Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Thomas Paine Common Sense

Common Sense is a document written by Thomas Paine who strongly advocates the urgency to have the colonies become an independent nation. He argues, that the nation has to break ties from the evils of Britain, in order to have an established society. On the surface, the document would seem to hold the ideas of freedom and democracy, but upon examining it closer, I believe that it was all propaganda, that was only to benefit a small elite group. Thomas Paine’s argued that under Britain’s rule, no one would ever benefit in society because it was made up of a monarchy. He felt that Britain had been fed enough, and that it should be put to a stop immediately. Neglect on the part of Britain was the only positive and negative aspects, that took place because of the following reasons. A sad and negative outcome because, the colonies were able to fend for themselves while Britain enriched herself while neglecting her people. The positive outcome was that colonies showed independence, by being able to sustain a comfortable lifestyle without Britain’s assistance. Most important, the laws of Britain were no longer able to address the people a new nation had emerged made up of many different backgrounds and religions. Paine continues his arguments by stating to the colonists, to think of why they left in the first place. If all was well back home, why did some many leave if it was all okay. He makes it clear that no one left voluntarily, but for an urgency to better themselves. Of course, we can not forget that some left for religious freedom but most left because, opportunity was available. Also, he felt that the colonies were already exercising their beliefs and ideas, because they exercised their freedom by making new laws and implying them to all. Profit was also another motive, having a free port that would enrich the lives of those who lived in the new independent nation.

Gentrification of urban communities

Urban reclamation is frequently lauded as a approval by politicians and land developers ; it is seen as a method of conveying economic and cultural growing to an otherwise dead community. It is a set of alterations made in the hopes that new occupants come in, more concerns unfastened, and more capital flows into the country. However, redevelopment frequently consequences in the deconstruction and replacing of a preexistent community, displacing the former occupants and increasing their adversities instead than supplying revival. Gentrification, the procedure in which more flush occupants move into a poorer country and alter its societal and economic kineticss, is a term that comes up in virtually every argument sing urban renovation. In this paper, I will reason that the usage of urban gentrification for useful intents is unjust and delusory, and the Kantian thought that positive purpose affairs more than effect provides an insidious lenience. I will demo the hurt gentrification cau ses to local concerns and occupants through illustrations from countries that have undergone the procedure, and compare the statements for and against the pattern ; the effects of lifting belongings values, the alterations in a community ‘s concerns, and the alterations in a community ‘s societal make-up will be the chief countries of focal point. After the research is presented, I will research the philosophical point of views of Kant and Mill, and contrast idealism with the world that urban communities must confront in covering with gentrification. When flush fledglings set up places in a hapless community, they frequently rebuild or otherwise modify the belongingss they buy ; by making this, switch the belongings values up consequently. The belongings revenue enhancements and rent addition to fit this up grading of places and flats. These higher income households can afford these increased fees, and the excess revenue enhancement capital fluxing into the country by and large pleases the local authorities. But for long-time occupants, this displacement in belongings values can be an unwelcome load. Harmonizing to an appraisal conducted by Daniel Sullivan, longtime occupants of a gentrified community tend to be poorer than newer occupants. Consequentially, long-time occupants frequently become displaced by the newer, richer occupants. Koreatown, Los Angeles is a premier illustration of this effect. In the survey â€Å" The Contested Nexus of Koreatown † , Kyeyoung Park and Jessica detailed the alterations the urban enclav e experienced as restructured itself after the Los Angeles Riots. During the LA Riots, Koreatown ‘s belongingss suffered amendss that occupants were distressed to reimburse from ; many displaced occupants abandoned the enclave wholly. Outside investing and urban revival seemed the lone means to supply the alleviation Koreatown so urgently needed, but the research workers found its redevelopment self-contradictory ; while belongings values increased and the town experienced a singular recovery, established occupants found themselves out on the streets because they were unable to afford the new rents and fees. These occupants were largely local workers doing minimal pay wages, who all of a sudden found their flat composites being bought out by development companies ; the edifices would be renovated and refurbished, and the rents would be dual the original cost. Gentrification had compounded the supplanting of the original community alternatively of assisting them acquire back on their pess. From the point of position of the established community, it is hard to state that urban reclamation provided any societal good for them ; they had been swapped out in favour of newer occupants. As new higher-income occupants come in, the types of concerns in the country alteration every bit good. These occupants have more disposable income and the kinds of goods and services they desire differ from the other occupants. The concentration of professional services and retail shops addition, while smaller, local concerns go into diminution ( Park and Kim, 2008 ) . To run into with the demands of a altering community, some services become plethoric to the point of instability ; local concern proprietors find themselves missing the resources to remain competitory and travel out of concern, ensuing in farther supplanting of the established community versus the entrance community. In their survey, Park and Kim stated there was over-saturation of pool halls, cyberspace coffeehouse, karaoke bars, dark nines, room salons, and spirits shops in Koreatown ; while this gives the consumer more pick, the competition makes for a really hostile and unforgiving concern environment. The new sho ps and services can frequently be unaccessible to the established occupants, in footings of affordability and focal point ; it is a signifier of market positivism that takes merely the concerns of the flush into history. When Koreatown was redeveloped, the new services were centered towards pulling people to the night life with bars, nines, and high-class eating houses ; while these concerns were popular out-of-towners and the flush, the bulk of the local community had no usage for such excessive venues. Babylon Court, an upscale shopping centre located in Hollywood, is besides an illustration of disagreement between concern and the community. The shopping centre is a popular location for the upper category with its expensive retail shops and celebrated theatres, but it stand in stark contrast to the environing community of the homeless and comparatively hapless who can non afford the offering of Babylon Court ( Curtio, Davenport, and Jackiewicz, 2007 ) . Once once more, the intrigu es of the gentrification procedure have non helped the community, but hampered it ; outside investing and new concerns that were suppose to take a breath life into a fighting community have alternatively alienated and beleaguered the long-time occupants. When reclamation is enacted for the good of a community, the bing community is rarely the donee ; alternatively, the community is steadily changed and replaced so that revival is a consequence of a new public. Increased variegation and societal mixture does non happen, but replacing and segregation are frequently the consequence when covering with gentrification. In â€Å" Gentrification and Social Mixing † , Loretta Lees stated that in-between fledglings into urban communities self-segregated themselves even though they polled in favour of diverseness in a vicinity. This procedure of gentrification is on a regular basis aided by societal policies created by the province. One illustration of that happening is Cabrini Green in Chicago. In 1994, it qualified â€Å" the worst instance of public lodging in the US † , and was later given $ 50 million to redevelop ; the destruction and vouchering out that followed displaced a important part of low-income renters and recreated the community as a in-between category vicinity ( Lees, 2008 ) . The UK developed similar policies ; the London Borough of Brent New Deal for Communities undertaking funded the destruction of tower blocks and created over 1500 in private owned units, but at the loss of 800 publically owned units ( Atkinson, 2008 ) , displacing low-income occupants. The preexistent community is pushed out by the alterations in the local economic system, and an of all time so elusive societal cleaning takes topographic point, while policy shapers flaunt their love of societal public-service corporation and the public good and claim they are relieving the poorness of urban countries. A useful action should ensue the greatest felicity for the greatest sum of people. J.S. Mill demanded empiricist philosophy in infering what benefited the whole, but gentrification puts the felicity and experiences of clearly different groups at odds. Does gentrification function the felicity of the old occupants or the new occupants? Empirical scrutiny of informations Tells me the old occupants are simple garbage in gentrification and newer occupants are primary concern. Is the greater felicity a affair of population measure or is it a affair of population quality? Another empirical scrutiny reveals gentrification is process that favors people of higher income, a affair of quality instead than measure. My scrutiny reveals gentrification consequences in the greatest felicity for the few, instead than the many. So I pose the undermentioned inquiry: how does one justify gentrification as functioning the greater good? Social policies recommending gentrification claim they have improved and revitalized urban communities, when all they have done is displace the established low-income households to do it seem like they have reduced poorness in the country. This misrepresentation is something I take immense issue with ; even Milton Friedman, a adult male who was likely supportive of urban reclamation patterns, spewed sulfuric acid at utilizing the alibi of â€Å" societal good † to accomplish a personal docket. Gentrification in the name of societal public-service corporation is a failure, but Immanuel Kant said baronial purpose affairs more than effect. However, baronial purpose is something subjective ; what is baronial to one individual is non needfully baronial to another. The effects of gentrification are desperate and far-reaching and to pardon the procedure based on a subjective ideal is an indulgence excessively easy granted. In duty-based moralss, a individual must see his ideal as if it were a cosmopolitan axiom ; if it is contradictory, so it is a defective ideal. Suppose everyone went around fliping people poorer than themselves out of house and place, destructing and reconstructing belongingss for their ain usage ; this would ensue complete pandemonium, with people of all societal standings in ferocious struggle with one another. Through policy devising, advocates of gentrification have besides reduced the thought of community to a part of a map instead than people ; Kant would be taken aback by the deficiency of regard for the sovereignty of the person. Intent entirely can non salvage the policy of gentrification ; it is something flawed by subjective dockets, and Kant ‘s nonsubjective ideals can non be efficaciously applied to the worlds of the state of affairs. Gentrification carried out in the name of utilitarianism is a misrepresentation wrought upon troubled communities. It is excessively frequently that the promise of revival is made a cloak for a cleaning of a community ‘s societal order. The occupants suffer through a procedure of steadily increasing adversities and eventual replacing by the more privileged ; it ‘s â€Å" Invasion of the Body Snatchers † , except with the middle class alternatively of foreigners. With the increasing belongings values and as if by magic vanishing poorness, statistics are made reinforce the thought that gentrification works admirations for communities. I can non decently show my contempt for this sinister kind of planning ; it is a type of dastardly deed tantrum for scoundrels with long moustaches, twirling fingers, and big chapeaus. While I would immensely prefer investing and animation that allowed a community to go self-sufficing by its ain attempts, I would merely settle for the f ake of societal good to be dropped from the pitch. If you ‘re traveling to pass over out and reconstruct a community, name it for what it is ; they ‘re likely excessively hapless and incapacitated to halt you.Plants CitedAtkinson, Rowland. â€Å" Commentary: Gentrification, Segregation and the Vocabulary of Affluent Residential Choice. † Urban Studies V. 45 No. 12 ( November 2008 ) P. 2626-36, 45.12 ( 2008 ) : 2626-2636.Sullivan, Daniel Monroe. â€Å" Reassessing Gentrification. † Urban Affairs Review, 42.4 ( 2007 ) : 583-592.Leess, Loretta. â€Å" Gentrification and Social Mixing: Towards an Inclusive Urban Renaissance? . † Urban Studies V. 45 No. 12 ( November 2008 ) P. 2449-70, 45.12 ( 2008 ) : 2449-2470.Curti, Giorgio Hadi, John Davenport, and Edward Jackiewicz. â€Å" Concrete Babylon: Life Between the Stars. † Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, 69 ( 2007 ) : 45-73.Park, Kyeyoung, and Jessica Kim. â€Å" The Contes ted Nexus of Los Angeles Koreatown: Capital Restructuring, Gentrification, and Displacement. † Amerasia Journal V. 34 No. 3 ( 2008 ) P. 126-50, 34.3 ( 2008 ) : 126-150.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Comparing Sonny’s Blues to the Cathedral

1. Is Patrick lonely? In my opinion, I feel as though the boy is lonely, living in such a remote and desolate place, with only his father to spend his time with. For example Ondaatje says, â€Å"He was born into a region which did not appear on a map until 1910, though his family had worked there for twenty hears and the land had been homesteaded since 1816. In the school atlas the place is pale green and nameless. The river slips out of an unnamed lake†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (10-11).Patrick’s characteristics makes him seem sad or withdrawn from society, for he spends his time gazing out the window searching for bugs. Ondaatje exclaims, â€Å"He walks back into the bright kitchen and moves from window to window to search out the moths pinioned against the screens, clinging to the brightness†¦ Bugs, plant hoppers, grasshoppers, rust-dark moths†¦throughout the summer he records their visits and sketches the repeaters â€Å" (9). I feel bad for Patrick, that his only companio ns are the bugs flying around his house, in search for light.Although Patrick does have his father, his dad doesn’t pay him any attention, unless they are working together. Ondaatje says, â€Å"Hazen Lewis was an abashed man, withdrawn from the world around him, uninterested in the habits of civilization outside his own focus. He would step up to his horse and assume it, as if it were a train, as if flesh and blood did not exist† (15). It would be rough to grow up in that kind of unloving environment. It would be difficult to feel you had to earn your love.For Patrick’s father, only praises him when they are successful at work. For example, Ondaatje says, â€Å"They begin to run back home, looking behind them to see if the cow is following. The boy gasps, ‘If she goes into the ice again I’m not doing a thing’ ‘Neither am I’ yells his father, laughing† (16). The only part in the story when the boys Father demonstrates warmt h and kindness towards his son, is when they save the cow from drowning. The fathers introverted attitude, makes me question how he became so incredibly withdrawn from society.It makes me wonder what happened to his wife. Did she die? Is that the reason why he chooses to act so distant from his son? Does he remind him of her? Patrick’s absent mother also makes me question if that is the reason why Patrick is so quite and reclusive, like his father. With Patrick’s mother missing from his life and Patrick’s father uncommunicative, it causes him to live a very lonely, unhappy, and solitary life. 3. Patrick’s unloving and solitary environment is the reason for his unhappiness.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Lead me from untruth to truth, from darkness to light, death to life Essay

Lead me from untruth to truth, from darkness to light, death to life - Essay Example There are some people who live in eternal darkness and die in it. And there are some more privileged ones (by nature, or by some unknown destiny) who live in spaces and times brightly lit with noble emotions and lovely acts. But the greatest of all are those who overcome the darkness in their lives through self-realization and the will to act accordingly, because only they are capable of choosing their destiny. This is why this essay envisages to illustrate and prove that every human being, however immersed in darkness he/she is, has the potential to traverse the difficult path from darkness to light. Mathew has been my school mate and friend for two years but then suddenly he stopped coming to the school. When I tried to contact him, I felt he did not like that. I felt being looked upon by him as a nuisance whenever I went to meet him in his village town. Gradually, I gave up and went my way. He never returned to the school and then I heard that he was spending his nights away in ga mbling casinos in the nearby town with his step father, who had picked up a passion for this game and turned lucky. I also heard news that they were winning big money in the game. It was after three years that I saw him again. He had put on some weight. This time he was happy to see me and we spent an evening reminiscing our school days. I reminded him what a good athlete he was but he shrugged and said he did not regret leaving the studies and the school. It was visible that he had earned a lot of money. He was wearing a very expensive suit and fitting accessories including a Rolex watch and a Mont Blanc pen. But I pressed him to tell me whether he was continuing with his other two passions, painting and mountaineering. He told me he was not getting enough time for that. He told me also that every year he was earning more than the double of the previous year's income. On further talks, he revealed that his father had left his mother who disapproved of their gambling and that his gi rlfriend also left him as well. I asked him why he was chasing money as if there is nothing else in the world. He said, you people think that money is evil. But in this world, money can buy you anything. At that moment, I had to tell him that he was living in a world of illusion but he said it was my illusion (Plato, 1987, p.177). Though we had a nice evening that day, I felt he was moving towards the darker areas of human existence. And I could realize that he was already looking down on me as an unlucky guy who had yet to struggle his way up the ladder through the boring text books, projects and so on. Four years after that meeting, once again destiny brought us face to face with each other. I chanced upon him on a commuter train where I found him sitting engrossed in a book. I felt curious. After we exchanged greetings he suddenly became silent. Then he asked me, â€Å"Do you remember telling me that I was living in a world of illusion?† I nodded. He suddenly held my hands and said, â€Å"I have woke up from that world of illusion.† And he told me his story from where we left it four years back. On an evening that he realized his new girl friend was cheating on him in the game, he aimlessly strolled down the street. The girl had been collaborating with another man to help him win the game as she had developed an intimate relationship with that man without the knowledge of my friend. He was slightly depressed. The ugly face of truth that he had no real friends at all, was annoying him a little. Of late, he was loosing money in the game and those whom he thought as close to him were showing him a cold face. â€Å"How blind I have been to trust them,†

Sunday, July 28, 2019

WORKPLACE CONFLICT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

WORKPLACE CONFLICT - Essay Example The inconsistency emanating from the relationship between him and the head of department may seem obvious and an easy task to resolve. However, the issue may run out of control and hurt the whole organization. Therefore, establishing the different concepts as honorable approaches to resolving the rivalry could serve to save the company from animosity, with an advantageous outline of handling relevant future problems. Adapting to the concept of avoidance can serve as a vital tool to resolving the problems prevailing between the head of department and the employee. The concept asserts that the individuals could differ from direct confrontations (Cooper). For instance, George could undertake his tasks towards achieving the organizational set goals without hindrances, and in accordance with the set of rules and regulations. The head of department may resent to the issue of job performance with the aim of completion targeting to improve the quality of output. The concept may serve to adequately restrict the H.O.D from interfering with employee performances so long as they are up to the set rules and regulations. Avoidance concept could further restrict the manager from meddling into George’s undertakings as he remains naà ¯ve of the dealings till the point of delivery. In the event that the H.O.D enforces inapplicable regulations causing strenuous relationship between him and George, the concept is relevant to competitive conflict style. In this concept, the high ranked individual seems to express an unchallenged authority over his subordinates in order to feel satisfied. For instance, the H.O.D exerts pressure to George to work towards achieving his solely set objectives despite the fact that they are set to benefit the organization. The concept depicts an understanding that the approach may restrain the subject to quit all his duties entirely. Competitive rivalry between the manager and the employee,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Legal Professional Conduct Hypothetical Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Legal Professional Conduct Hypothetical - Essay Example This breach attracts a penalty of 50 units. If the receipt is related to financial service, then Warren Robinson’s act of diverting Peter’s money will be a default relating to financial services or investments under section 373 of the said Act. Warren Robinson is also deemed to have breached section 34 of the Legal Profession Regulation 2007 (hereafter, the Regulation) governing receipt of trust money. In the absence of any information to this effect, there is a breach of section 34 (2) (4) & (5) of the Regulation. (Legal Profession Regulation, 2007). How the situation should have been handled. Warren should have deposited the money of Peter into the General Trust Account. Mitigation Warren can interpret the money received as a fee for financial service and which he need not have deposited into the trust account. Law society may be addressed as mentioned in section 239 of the Act for giving necessary directions and interpretations. 2. Susan is asked by George, the solic itor employee of Warren Robinson law firm, to pay $1,200 for the specific purpose of covering cost of medical reports. This will become a controlled money when received from Susan in terms of section 237 (1) defining the controlled money. By depositing the first part payment of $ 750 given by Susan into the general trust account, the firm breaches section 251 (1) of the Act which requires deposit of controlled money in a controlled money account held by an Authorized Deposit taking Institution (ADI).. Failure to deposit attracts a maximum penalty of 50 points. . The firm has breached Section 48 of the Regulation which requires a law firm to maintain a single controlled money receipt system and issue receipts accordingly. The office employee Mary has issued a trust account receipt instead of a controlled money receipt as directed by George, the solicitor employee of the firm. The firm has breached section 50 of the Regulation by issuing a cheque for $ 940 to the doctor on Susanâ€⠄¢s account by having it signed by George, who is not authorized to withdraw controlled money. Section 50 (1) of the Regulation stipulates that controlled money can only be withdrawn by an authorized principal of the law practice or an authorized legal practitioner associate or an authorized legal practitioner holding an unrestricted practicing certificate authorizing the receipt of trust money. It is not known whether George holds such a certificate. Warren issues a trust account cheque for $ 450 towards payment of the physiotherapist report without actually receiving funds from Susan thus apparently diverting somebody’s else’s money from the trust account. This is in violation of section 259 (1) of the Act, subsection (a) of which prohibits causing of a deficiency in any trust account or trust ledger account without a reasonable excuse. It attracts a maximum penalty of 200 units (legal Profession Act, 2007) and (Trust Accounting Guide, 2009). How the situation should have been handled The practice should have deposited in a controlled money account held by an (ADI). Mitigation Since a written direction is necessary to open a controlled money account, a defense may be available to the law firm for depositing it into general trust account in the absence of a written direction 3. Katrina, another solicitor employee of the law firm Robinson Associates, transfers $ 400 from the trust

Friday, July 26, 2019

Pesticide Use and Environmental Change in Rachel Carson's The Research Paper

Pesticide Use and Environmental Change in Rachel Carson's The Obligation to Endure - Research Paper Example Specifically, in The Obligation to Endure, Rachel Carson cites some destructive human activities that cause environmental change. For one, Carson emphasized that the use of pesticide to increase agricultural productivity inflicts more harm to nature than benefits. In the article, Carson’s arguments on environmental change and pesticide use are interesting, considering that these delve on the distinct relationship between human beings and their environment. Accordingly, this paper attempts to fulfill threefold goals in relation to Carson’s article. First is the identification of the existing environmental changes today; second is the analysis of the role of human beings concerning those environmental changes; third is the discussion of the long-term and short term effects of pesticide use, and lastly, the identification of possible solutions that may help recover the vitality of the environment. To attain those objectives, this research also makes use of existing scholar ly articles concerning the topic to support its arguments; books and web articles are used to attain further background about Rachel Carson and her environmental advocacies. Article Overview Rachel Carson, one of America’s most prominent marine biologists, may be considered the most influential woman in the field of environmental studies and ecological policy. Doell mentions that her contribution to the field of science and politics, although indirectly, is attributable to her write-ups in Silent Spring, particularly about the â€Å"aggressive backlash from the agricultural chemical industry† (113). Silent Spring is a collection of essays about industrialization, human activity, and its influence on the changing features of the environment, particularly on the â€Å"war on weeds† (Paull 37). Specifically, in The Obligation to Endure, Carson highlights that pesticide use is the most environmentally damaging of all human activities; she also discusses the existing environmental policies on pesticide use. Aside from this, Carson also discusses the temporary and permanent impact of pesticide use on both humanity and the environment. In reading the article, one can say that Carson’s argument on genetic flexibility and adaptability is the most interesting topics in the article. With those two topics, Carson was able to explain the long-term and short term effects of pesticide use on the physiological features of humans, insects, and other organisms. In the article, Carson explains how the synthetic, toxic chemicals contained in pesticides alter the natural genetic makeup of human beings and insects, which also drives further changes in the environment. Although Carson posits, in the last paragraphs of the article, that she does not intend to discourage the use of pesticides, she also contends that human beings should be more watchful when using products that are based on synthetic chemicals. She emphasized the necessity of knowing the imp act of chemical-based products while putting the responsibility of educating the public on biologically damaging products on the hands of government officials and the private sector. Consequently, the article may be considered a parable of human existence and a warning to the people,

What subject should be mandatory for all children at school in Saudi Essay

What subject should be mandatory for all children at school in Saudi Arabia and explain why you think so - Essay Example ge as a school subject will enable the children to learn the some useful basic of Arabic language such as grammar, punctuation and sentence construction. For example, most Saudi children in Saudi Arabia can speak good Arabic but they cannot write at the same standards. Arabic language is used as the language of learning. Thus, other subjects learnt in school are taught in Arabic. This indicates that Arabic is vital for success of Arabic students. If children are not taught Arabic at the basic level of their education, they will have difficulties in higher levels of their education as they try to learn other complicated things. Making Arabic, a mandatory to all children in Saudi Arabia would enable all children to be at the same academic level when it comes to communication. This will enable teachers to teach other subjects to the children easily since they already have the basic Arabic requirements. For example, it would be difficult to teach science to children who do not have a good background in

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Convincing that the same sex adoption morally RIGHT Essay

Convincing that the same sex adoption morally RIGHT - Essay Example Having children is a dream come true for most couples, who are we to say that it is wrong for the same sex couples to want the same thing? In some ways, maybe same sex adoption has benefits that will prove it to be a morally right set up for those children looking for loving homes to belong to. After all, it is never morally wrong to want to give a child a place to live where he is loved unconditionally right? Let's admit it, not all heterosexual parents chose to become parents. Some of them became parents by accident. Such situations result in unwanted children whose existence is sometimes only slightly better than living in hell. On the other hand, same sex couples choose to become parents. It is because of this motivation that we can be assured that they will always be morally responsible for their actions when it comes to their children. According to experts like Abby Goldberg (As cited in Pappas, 2012), gay parents are usually more motivated than their heterosexual counterparts because they made the choice to become parents. As such the perception that same sex couples only want to have â€Å"designer babies† is based upon misinformation. The same sex couples have a full understanding of their responsibilities as parents and what to expect when they have children. They have a much deeper understanding and commitment to the life of the child that they will be raising than most heterosexual couples do. These children have the advantage of growing up in a home that has open-mindedness, tolerance and role models for equitable relationships as part of its lifestyle. Therefore the children will grow up having a deeper understanding of social issues and a ready acceptance for anything that others might view as out of the ordinary. Children raised in gay households are no different from their heterosexual counterparts. If anything, they grow up with more empathy towards other people because they do not find themselves constrained by gender stereotypes (Bloo ms, 2011). Instead, they prove to be well adjusted individuals who have a serious insight about life and the responsibilities that it entails. Let us not forget that there are thousands of unwanted children lined up in adoption agencies who are in need of a home. Homosexual parents are more than willing to give children that heterosexual parents pass on a good and loving environment to be raised in. Children all deserve to be raised in loving homes by people who only want what is best for them. But unlike straight couples who tend to pick the best of the litter (if one were to compare babies to dogs), same sex couples do not care about the shortcomings of a child. In a report by the LA5 Champions for Children, they discovered that (2012): â€Å"Research by the Evan P. Donaldson Adoption Institute found that gays and lesbians tend to adopt children who are typically difficult to place: minorities, special needs children, and kids older than 6... . â€Å" All that matters to them, i s that they have the chance to be parents to a child who would not have a chance in life otherwise. Maybe it is because the same sex parents have to overcome adversity and judgment themselves that is why they are able to offer the kind of love and care that these less than ideal babies and children would not get from traditional parent couples. Now that leads the a question that is normally asked of parents. What exactly makes a good parent? Does being a good parent mean that a child has a set of heterosexual pare

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Improve the Quality of Public Education Research Paper

Improve the Quality of Public Education - Research Paper Example It is feasible that, the child students and young graduates are finding difficult to understand what the social or family value is. Divide of joint family into the small parts can create negative mentality. Therefore, young generation cannot understand the proper family tradition and values. Several political issues and individualism is another reason behind the decline of public education system in America (Sexton, 2012). Privatization and high corruption level regarding the fund distribution is creating barriers for the development of schools. In the year 1996, the federal government of America has provided 10 percent of total funding to the public schools. Moreover, the remainder comes from the local and state sources, but it was evidenced that the poll did not organize any kind of inquiry commission to about the decrease or increase in local or state investment (Peltzmen, 1992). Since 2000, the government of America used to focus on the private educational institute. The people o f middle income level find it very much difficult to admit their child in this expensive private educational institution due to low disposable income. The economic downturn is the only reason for this low disposable income of people. Moreover, the government did not take appropriate initiatives for these kinds of issues. Slowly and gradually, the quality of education in the public schools has decreased. Responsibility of Teachers The public education of America is in a declining stage. Teachers and administrators have become very much incompetent and have been biased by the inadequate regulatory system. Low academic preparation is another issue... This paper approves that train the trainer is one of the key leadership developments. The federal government of America should focus on educating members, volunteers and other coalition partners in order to train the teachers properly. Confidence building is necessary for the teachers in order to teach the students appropriately. Presently, the public education system is lacking the quality and several aspects. Government of America should make and manage commitments in order to develop the public education system. Last but not the least; government should look forward to overcome the problematic economic and social situation. Presently, the crime rate is rapidly increasing in America. On the other hand, the low disposable income of middle class people is creating barrier for the parents to admit their child in the expensive private graduate schools. This paper makes a conclusion that some effective recommendation plans have been provided in order to overcome the challenges linked with the public education system in America. As it is feasible from the study is that, several economical, social and political factors and government’s negligence is affecting the public education structure. Moreover, teachers’ inadequate teaching process is creating difficulty for the students. The economic recession, low disposable income of people and political corruption has decreased the quality of education in the public schools. Moreover, teacher’s partiality while evaluating the exam papers is restricting the deserved students to perform effectively. Therefore, it is necessary for government to look after these issues and challenges in order to bring the light of education within the whole American Society.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The history, structure, classification of type Essay

The history, structure, classification of type - Essay Example ype designers have gone further to categorize the typographic variations in letterforms like x-height, length of ascenders and descenders and stroke weight that contribute to functionality, clarity and aesthetics of the design (Raizman 194). The humanist (Venetian) faces of 15th and 16th centuries emulated the classical calligraphy. The humanist typefaces were designed to imitate Italian Renaissance handwriting and the types use bracketed serifs while letters are wide. The old style (Garalde) was designed developed between 15th and 17th century. These types have moderate contrast and entail rounded serifs and rounded letters that enhance readability. The old style has small serifs and small x-heights and minimal variations of thick and thin strokes. The stress is diagonal and tops of lowercase ascenders often will exceed the height of the capital letters (Raizman 195). The transitional classification has sharper serifs and was introduced in mid 18th century by John Baskerville. The mechanical-like structure ensures these types are reverse and stippled thus looking excellent on smooth paper. The modern typefaces were designed by Didone in late 18th century and early 19th century and include straight serifs, and sharp contrast from thick to thin strokes (Felici 53). The advancement in typography was occasioned by improvements in technology such as printing and binding of papers thus making it possible to develop type styles with fine hairlines and strong vertical emphasis (Felici 78). The Egyptian or slab-serifs (19th century) has heavy serifs and is mainly used for decorations since it provides high legibility (Cullen 145). The slab serif is useful in posters and flyers due to bold printing types and strong, square finishing strokes that capture the viewers’ attention. The decorative typefaces (19th to 20th century) are mainly used in poster s and billboards since legibility wanes if used in small point sizes. They are designed for large point sizes in order to

Monday, July 22, 2019

Metaphysics - ontology Essay Example for Free

Metaphysics ontology Essay â€Å"I think therefore I am-Descartes;† â€Å"All noble things are as difficult as they are rare- Spinoza. † Decorates and Spinoza are unique; they are like nothing this class has studied previous. They focus on nature, existence and power as the fundamental building blocks to their unique philosophies. The beauty of these two men’s philosophies is not only in their contrasts but in all the ideas the students can draw from their logically thinking strategies; ultimately creating an individual philosophy and bettering ones own life from it. They both use logic but the use of language is the â€Å"wild card† that allows the real questioning to happen. Spinoza and Decorates are masters at using concrete facts and twisting them in such a way so as to question their existence entirely. Almost like one is pressing the reset button on life and starting fresh. The best example I can give is our day-to-day class discussion. Previously our tangents have been focused and connected. But with Spinoza and Decorates they have been different. They have become sporadic, wide spread, and eye opening. Yes the focus has and will always remain to be on the ideals that these men present; but the beauty in these philosophies are not restricted to just their points. The beauty lies within what the student (since we are all students’ not philosophy kings yet) can question and provide. This paper will discuss all the points crucial to these two men’s philosophies; however, throughout the paper the tangents I will draw will reveal my own conclusions that I have been taking note off from our class discussion in order to shed some light on the impact these philosophies have had to myself and philosophy itself. First thing that this paper will cover, and the biggest topic of debate between the two is the dialectic about the mind and body. Descartes is a substance duelist. He believes substance is divided into two things: mind substance and body substance. They are also independent entities in his eyes. In the second meditation he concludes that doubt is possible about the existence of the body but there can be no doubt as to the existence of the thinking mind; the mind simply cannot doubt the existence of thinking, since even the doubt itself would require thinking to exist (this concept itself is confusing and brilliant at the same time basically embodying who Descartes is in a one thought). Therefore Descartes is able to conclude that since there is doubt about the existence of the body, the mind can think without the use of the body. Thus independence is the only logical result. After all of that, duality in substances is born and realized. On the contrary, Spinoza believes mind and body are the same substance. Mind is dependent of the body and vice versa. The mind is united to the body because the body is the object of the mind (Ethics 2, prop 21). However one does not determine the other: The body cannot determine the mind to think, nor the mind the body to remain in motion or at rest (Ethics 3, 2). † Simply put, it is illogical to believe that one act causes the other act to happen. The mind is in place to insure the survival of the body. He rejects the idea of substances that Descartes suggests. Spinoza believes that there is only infinite substance, and no finite substance; which is a contradiction and a double negative (proving a statement false with false evidence). Each thing, mind and body, is both a thought and an extension. The thought is what is known through ideas and the extension is what exists and is sensed physically. Therefore thought is mental and extension is physical. For Spinoza, the mind and body act as a mirror image of each other; neither has any freedom from the other; dependence is therefore born. Then the role of infinite substance is introduced. Spinoza argues that God is the only infinite substance in nature. There can be only one substance that satisfies the idea difference between the two philosophers and that is that Spinoza views thought and extension as inseparable not having independent extensions. While in Descartes philosophy there are two distinct extensions. The mind substance is further divided into infinite and finite thinking. The infinite is God, the finite is each individual mind and soul. There is only one infinite thinking substance and that is God. Thinking is not a physical action (it is a behavior). It is an individual act that only the individual can control. One doesnt have to think a normal way, Descartes would argue. This connects to his views on education and how it can sometimes â€Å"cloud† individuals from their true passions and loves in life. Thinking with a clear mind is something that goes hand in hand with self-knowledge; learning from experience through one’s own paths and mistakes. Accepting that one cannot control everything (only one’s thoughts and physical actions) and understanding the necessity for an open mind to nature. Only then when this is all applied is it possible to live an active life; living life to the fullest and embracing all it has to offer. This leads into Spinoza’s definition of affect. He defines it as â€Å"the modifications of the body whereby the active power of the said body is increased or diminished, aided or constrained, and also the ideas of such modification (Ethics, prop 130). † Simply put, that which is affected does not exist; meaning the only thing that can possibly exist is God. Everything is dependent on something in order for it to survive; a book, a tree, a person, is dependent on something else for its survival. One could argue (and will now) that the mind has the ability to affect too. The only thing that can affect the mind is the mind itself. But the mind can be deceiving. Overthinking or over analyzing can change our perception of what reality is. Emotions and senses also add to the deception the mind can cause. A smell could lead somebody to not eat a meal; hearing somebody’s voice can be appealing or completely â€Å"turn off† the individual from furthering the conversation. The mind can also cause passive moments. Being passive is a huge part of nonexistence to Spinoza. Although the passive moments in ones life are inevitable, Spinoza suggests that we must attempt to control them in order obtain maximum freedom in life. Freedom is that in which someone lives an active life (living in the moment, embracing all that life can offer). By developing good habits, living actively, one can limit the passive moments and bounce back (not fall too far down the divided line). The goal in life is to live the most active life and experience nature to the fullest. Descartes believes in the exact opposite. He beliefs that mind and body are two separate substances that dont rely on each other. Therefore the mind cannot affect the body and the body cannot affect the mind. Thus all that Spinoza would suggest is a â€Å"waste. † The four cores of life are sadness, joy, weakness and power. Each person will experience one in his or her lifetime (if one does not then their alien [interesting what an alien is or is not]). The key, Spinoza would argue is that one experiences the cores in their own way. The question he would ask is: â€Å"will you live your life or the way others tell you too. † God is the key answer to this question. What does it mean to say that God is substance and that everything else is â€Å"in† God? Spinoza suggests that rocks, tables, chairs, birds, mountains, rivers and human beings are all properties of God. Thus all we are is a creation off God. It’s crazy to think that we are merely just part of an image of some other higher substance. When a person feels pain, sadness and joy; does it follow that all the emotions are ultimately just a property of God, therefore suggesting that God feels it too (chills run down*). This is the gut of Spinoza’s philosophy as he devotes the first 15 proportions to defining God and all that he does. Descartes is similar on his view with God. Gods existence is inferred, simply because of existence. For example, God is not an extended thing but only a thinking thing; God exists in a higher form, and he and only he can cause its existence. The idea of God is the idea of an infinite substance. Since a finite substance is less real than an infinite substance. A finite substance does not have enough reality to be the cause of its own idea. But the idea must have come from something. So that something is God, which must be an infinite substance. Therefore, God exists as the only possible cause of this idea. These comparisons that the two philosophers naturally bring to the table lead the mind to wonder. The possibilities are endless when it comes to questions and conclusions. The beauty lies within these questions. It is up to the individual, as Spinoza would say, to stop living a passive life and â€Å"attack† these philosophers in order to create something beautiful.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Reflection of Personal Art Therapy Experience as Facilitator

Reflection of Personal Art Therapy Experience as Facilitator Brett Cartwright Description I have chosen to do my reflection on the Art Therapy Focusing model in which I facilitated a process for my client, who for the purpose of confidentiality we will call ‘Jemima’. This session was conducted at the Phoenix Institute of Australia as a part of the learning model presented by my lecturer within the Art Therapy Module. During the â€Å"setting up† (Malchiodi 1998) the space process I went about finding an appropriate area and making sure there were sufficient items conducive of an Art Therapy session, such as pastels, paper, and markers, as well as a cabinet in the corner filled with Art Therapy supplies, should Jemima wish to use something different. Upon the completion of the setting up process, I quickly checked in with myself to ensure I was capable of holding space for my client before walking into the waiting area to greet Jemima, inviting her to join me in the room. Once in the room I enquired about how she felt regarding the comfort of the space and offered her the opportunity to rearrange it in any way she saw fit, also pointing out that there were many more art supplies in the corner cabinet. Jemima nodded and said â€Å"I’m actually quite happy with this† making a bodily gesture toward the previously setup space. Now sitting, we began to talk about how her day was going so far and if there was anything specific she would like to focus on. Upon creating an intention for the session I suggested that we try an Art Therapy Focusing process and proceeded to explain what would be involved. We began by drawing her attention into her body, in search of a ‘Felt Sense’ (Gendlin 1996) eventually finding an image that had an ‘emotional quality’ fitting to the intention we had set for the session. I then extended an invite to open her eyes and bring the image to concretised form on the paper, inviting her to open up a dialogue with me about the process if she saw fit at any time, which she ackn owledged but declined. The rest of the session was quite silent and required little more than my presence, â€Å"unconditional positive regard† (Rogers 1980) and holding of the space to facilitate. Jemima indicated when she had finished her image, at which time I asked her to close her eyes again, inviting her to bring her awareness back to the room and slowly drawing her out of the focusing process. At this point I asked her if she could share with me how the process was for her. I let Jemima know that the session was coming to a close, offering her the opportunity to express anything else that might have come up for her during the process, and we closed the session. I then invited Jemima to give reflection on my performance as a therapist, took some notes, and the entire process was complete. Feelings I felt quite comfortable entering into this process as I am reasonably familiar and confident with the focusing process from both the ‘Focuser’ and ‘Companion’ perspectives. Also, I have worked with Jemima on a number of occasions and have developed a good amount of rapport with her, which makes for a productive and healthy therapeutic relationship. Having said that there were, and always are, a certain amount of nerves for me when stepping into the role of therapist, as I have recently discovered via an empty chair process that I have a dominant inner critic that has created really strong insecurities around professionalism. This was, however, coupled with intense feelings of excitement about acting out the entire process of a therapy session and the learning that comes from the experience. At the end of the session, as always, I found myself left with mixed feelings. I became highly stressed and critical about how I performed as the therapist, and some of the feedback I received from Jemima, again coupled with an element of excitement about having made it through the process without any major hiccups on my end. Evaluation At the time I felt things went reasonably well for both the client, and myself. It seemed that the client had really managed to embody the Art Therapy Focusing process. The â€Å"Coming in† process (Purton 2004) was smooth and seemed to flow quite well as we slowly drew Jemima’s awareness toward her inner-world, searching for a Felt Sense that eventually matched that of a ‘Protector’ (as referenced in the Analysis section below). Throughout the creation of the artwork I made a few observations about certain things, such as the way Jemima smiled when the image of her protector came to her; the movements and motions of her strokes on the paper which were reflected as being â€Å"helpful for meaning making† by the client; and the pressure she seemed to apply to different areas of the page. The end of this session felt a bit rigid and clunky upon reflection, as I always seem to have some amount of trouble tying things off without interrupting the clientà ¢â‚¬â„¢s process. Analysis Upon analysis of the session and the feedback given by the client, it would seem that it was a productively therapeutic session that helped the client in â€Å"clearing space† (Gendlin 1996) and creating a â€Å"safe space† using an image of a â€Å"protector† as tools created by Judith Herman and described by Rappaport (1998), which the client can now refer to in consecutive sessions to help return to that feeling of safety, if the client resonates strongly with that image. There was the possibility for a couple of intersubjective responses, as I had a couple of images with protective qualities come up for me when I was witnessing the client’s process unfold, which I held back due to some nervousness around projection and interpretation as I did not want to influence the client’s process in any way. Conclusion In Conclusion, upon reflection of the content of the session from both my perspective and the feedback given, I realise that there is a level of incongruence, and slight lack of unconditional positive regard in not sharing my intersubjective responses with the client. Thus putting distance between myself and the client, and in turn creating a lack of attunement. As a final note, there is very little I would change about the process apart from exercising more congruence and working on developing better skills around closing the session. References Malchiodi, C.A. (1998). Setting up: Drawing on Environment and Materials. The Art Therapy Sourcebook: Art Making for Personal Growth, Insight, and Transformation. (p.79 – 102) Rappaport, L. (1998). Focusing And Art Therapy: Tools for Working Through Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Focusing Folio, Vol. 17 (1), (p.2-3) Gendlin, E.T. (1996). Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy: A Manual of the Experiential Method. New York: Guildford Press. (p.57-58) Purton, C. (2004). Focusing as a Taught Procedure. Person-Centred Therapy: The Focusing-Oriented Approach. United Kingdom: Palgrave MacMillan. (p.90) Rogers. C. R. (1980). Characteristics of the Person-Centred Approach. A Way of Being. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. (p.115-116)

Areas in the Early Years Foundation Stage

Areas in the Early Years Foundation Stage Building positive relationships To build a positive relationship with a little person is not always easy. Some people are really opened and easy to get along with but then some are uncommunicative so they would rather be alone and do their own thing than play and talk to others. Also, children’s behaviour is unpredictable, you just never know what is behind the corner. That is why you can not work in child care setting thinking you act the same with every single person. Unfortunately it is not that easy because personalities are different and every child is an individual who needs different kind of care. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is the statuary framework that sets the standards that all early years providers must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. These standards are: The promotion of the welfare of children in the child care setting Appropriately screened adults to work with the children A suitable environment, equipment and premises Correctly maintained documentation The provision of an organisational structure in which they can learn and develop emotionally, socially, physically and intellectually It is extremely important that the adults working with kids are working for these standards especially when they are OFSTED registered because simply not working with these rules and being registered with OFSTED is against the law. Children learn best when they are healthy, safe and secure, when their individual needs are met and when they have positive relationships with the adults caring of them. With these rules child care professionals have learnt how to implement the 6 learning goals, which is worked out by The Early Years Foundation Stage, in the child care setting. The Early Years Foundation Stage consists of six areas of learning and development which are: Personal, social and emotional development Communication, language and literacy Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy Knowledge and understanding of the world Physical development Creative development Most of the areas are covered simply just the children being in the child care setting surrounded by intelligent adults and of course other children whom they are socialising and playing with. Only playing with other kids brings out most of the six points in individual but obviously it is not enough. With manners, literacy, numeracy, knowledge and understanding of the world kids do need a little help from the adults but that is why professional carers know all different type of activities and exercises that are good for learning and development. People working with children have been taught to observe every person so they know what every single individual needs to learn quicker, how to learn and to develop more. Obviously it is always good to communicate with other carers and of course parents, to make the best decisions out of it. Children’s respect to other people comes from an early age, it all depends of the environment they have been raised up in but also of the parents, what they have taught to their children. It is typical the kids believe in the same things as the adults living at home but it is not always good. As the time goes on, there is so many changes in life that older people do not accept but we can not teach our kids to do that. That is why it is important to teach children from young age to respect and value individuality. We often find children who do not have any siblings not really respectful to others, because they have used to get everything they want but also there is no-one at home they have to share their things with. There is lots of responsibilities coming from home that parents need to do but also if the kids attend nursery or a child care setting, carers have their own part of raising children to become responsible young adults. Going to the child care setting regularly definitely helps children to understand other children’s needs and how to communicate and play with others. Professional carers have been taught how to deal with young people. They know how to act in front of and with the children so they have no bad example they could take from the adults. But communication is the key! Carers and parents definitely need to talk things through, because children get confused and nothing good comes out of it if adults at home are acting very different to the ones at the child care setting. It is also very easy to teach kids through games. Games teach how to share things, how to communicate with others and when difficulties appear, how to solve problems and arguments. Really good for this are role plays. But it is important for adults to stay on the side and observe so they could help to understand the situation of the problems and find the solution together with the kids involved. Showing children that everyone in this world are equal no matter their culture, material status, skin colour or age, could keep them away of trouble when being kids but also in the future. It is important them to tolerate and value individuality. Keeping positive behaviour and avoid negative at home and also in the child care setting, is probably every parent’s and carer’s dream. But the thing adults are usually struggling with is consistency. From my own experience when moved into my previous host family to look after the kids, they did have the same problem. It seems to be really difficult for parents to stick to what they have said. With two boys in the family to look after I made it pretty clear from the start what they can and can not to. Of course they tried to push the boundaries but I sticked to my words. The difference how the kids behaved with me and with the parents was huge. I knew when I asked them to do something, they did it and never had to ask twice but when parents asked, really often kids did not even respond. It shows clearly what these parents have done wrong and therefore they will not get enough respect by their own children. The main thing for parents is to keep their promises and keep up with consistency but the children need to also know that after every bad behaviour there are always consequences. It is really important for adults to keep up with this too, otherwise child will get confused and there will be no result. But recognising only bad behaviour and keep telling children off is frustrating for both sides. That is why we also need to notice the good things kids do. Nurseries and schools are often using stickers as a reward for a good behaviour. As children love stickers it is really good idea to use it in a child care setting. By seeing and noticing the good things kids are doing, they want to get noticed even more because they know it will also bring more attention from adults and of course they will get rewards. Parents and carers do need to be careful though because there is so many cases when children are using this and will blackmail the adults to get what they want simply just misbehaving when the parents will not buy something they wanted. But there should not be any problems when the rules are clear from an early age. In every household and child care setting children and adults are really often facing conflicts. It is usually between children who are fighting over toys or attention, or problems are appearing simply because of lack of social skills, hunger, tiredness or lack of suitable role models. But sometimes we do see conflicts between children and adults. Usually caused because of not enough attention, generational clashes or because the middle child has been forgotten about. So what should we do, to solve these problems?! And at the end of the day, are conflicts good or bad? The KidsHealth website gives advice for parents to give some more privacy to their children but also to trust them a little bit more. It is obviously more of an advice to parents with a little bit older children who actually do know what they are doing. The website also says to listen and of course to do more explaining. Kids should be taught to ask adults to explain things through so the conflict would not develop. So, is conflict good or a bad thing? Many theorists agree that it is a good thing and it helps children to develop. Piaget believed that conflict in children was healthy, and if worked through, would help children to overcome their egocentric thought patterns, Erikson believed that to become a better person one must resolve the conflict in each stage of life, because life is full of conflicts. And Vygotsky thought conflict is more like a learning progress, he believed that children will learn from the conflict. Many different child care facilities seems to think that conflict is a part of human nature and kids needs to have the skill to solve a problem without an adults help. That is why they believed it is an adults responsibility to give children conflicts to resolve, at this point with adults but by the time they are all grown up, they can do it themselves and through this, survive. Keeping the perfect parent/carer and friend relationship at home or in the child care setting might be sometimes really difficult. Kids often just would not take well an adults telling them what to do, or how to behave with others and also by teaching them, children would not think you still want to be their friend. Still trying to be a friend but at the same time to stay professional, have children’s respect and keep up with the consistency is a hard work. But if this happens when children and adults find the perfect balance, it will be really good harmony in a whole household/child care setting, which is a good influence to everyone. Bibliography:

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Spiritual Decline of Shakespeares Macbeth Essay -- GCSE English L

The Spiritual Decline of Macbeth The play, Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, has been analyzed to such an extent that many assume it is impossible to say anything new about the play.   Yet, a close reading of Macbeth can still yield tremendous insights.   One interesting point worth noting is Macbeth's inability to answer "Amen" to a solemn prayer to God. Shakespeare's post-medieval world strictly adhered to the binary opposition between good and evil, or in other words, between Christ and Satan. The common belief was that satanic forces could not pay homage to Christ. Thus, Macbeth's inability to answer "Amen" reflects his spiritual decline, sinking to the ranks of the witches and Lady Macbeth.    Macbeth was written for Shakespeare’s new patron, James I (James VI of Scotland), following the death of Queen Elizabeth. James, a relative of the real Banquo, was interested in witchcraft and Scotland, hence the themes and setting of the play.   The play itself tells the story of a man, urged by his wife and foretold by prophecy, who commits regicide in order to gain power.         Lady Macbeth is the wife of Macbeth and the person who has the greatest influence over him. A childless woman, from the start of the play she turns feverish at the prospect of becoming queen and declares that she would kill her own child--"dash his brains out"--if it would help her achieve her goal (I.vii.55). This connection between childlessness and power has led critics, prominently AC Knight in his famous essay, â€Å"How Many Children Had Lady Macbeth?† to remark that this is part of the play's greater symbolism, where evil is infertile and good is fertile.   (Citation?   Since you just paraphrased one of Kn... ...m he must take the daggers back, put them with the grooms, and smear the grooms with blood, so it will look like the grooms killed the King.   Macbeth is unable to return to the scene of the crime to do that so Lady Macbeth takes the daggers from him and tells him that it's childish to be afraid of the sleeping or the dead. And she's not afraid of blood, either. She says, "If he [King Duncan] do bleed, / I'll gild the faces of the grooms withal / For it must seem their guilt" (2.2.52-54) The conscience is a fickle thing.   If it is suffering, its owner suffers.   As Macbeth’s spirituality declined, he was unable to acknowledge a simple prayer with a simple response, â€Å"Amen†. His wife apparently was unable to take comfort from prayer.   For both, this lack of communion with goodness ultimately led to their deaths.  

Friday, July 19, 2019

Stereotypes and Stereotyping - I Was a Teenage Hippie Essay -- Example

Stereotyping - I Was a Teenage Hippie Imagine a 17-year-old kid. He is five feet eleven inches tall, weighs 180 lbs., with very long hair and a beard. His hair parts in the middle and stops at his waist, meaning his hair is about three and a half feet long. He dresses not for the fashion of the day, but with old standards: blue jeans and a flannel shirt in the winter or blue jeans and a short sleeve shirt in the summer. Generally, his shirts in summer are T-shirts, typically with some provocative text or an advertisement for a rock group. That kid was me in 1974. I was the stereotypical "hippie," and my social circle during that year and the four years preceding it (two of those years in middle school and two years in high school) included other hippies. The hippie subculture has often been subject to a stereotyped image over the years. The image identified with the hippie is one of an individual that is generally unclean and unkempt, usually lives in squalor, has a drug habit, and is not very smart. Of course, male members of the hippie subculture all had long hair. Though the conservatives stereotyped me and my friends by what they saw, they did not know a single thing about us. The group I was involved with socially was made up of eight other guys besides myself and two girls, but the eleven of us were known by our peers as "The Dirty Dozen." We were looked upon by the conservatives in our town as being "just a bunch of damn hippies." Obviously, The Dirty Dozen was stereotyped because of our appearance. Indeed, it would have been easy for any of us to change our image to something more socially acceptable. For example, cutting my air, shaving off my beard, and changing my... I find myself not being so quick to judge by looks alone. I find myself consciously thinking that I should not stereotype what I see before me. I do not know the person; I only know the image. I certainly do not want to consider myself so narrow minded that I engage in the very behavior displayed by the conservatives in the 1960s and 1970s. Because of the tendency of people to stereotype others, I hold the belief that I would be subject to stereotyping today. While I maintain views that might be politically incorrect and continue to hold dear a bit of the non-conforming attitude embraced by the hippie subculture, would people guess that to look at me today? Considering my conservative image today, would people guess that on the inside I might still be a "hippie?" Or would they look at me and see me as a "boring old fart" conservative yuppie?

Introduction to Debt Policy Essay -- essays research papers

When a firm grows, it needs capital, and that capital can come from debt or equity. Debt has two important advantages. First, interest paid on Debt is tax deductible to the corporation. This effectively reduces the debt’s effective cost. Second, debt holders get a fixed return so stockholders do not have to share their profits if the business is extremely successful. Debt has disadvantages as well, the higher the debt ratio, the riskier the company, hence higher the cost of debt as well as equity. If the company suffers financial hardships and the operating income is not sufficient to cover interest charges, its stockholders will have to make up for the shortfall and if they cannot, bankruptcy will result. Debt can be an obstacle that blocks a company from seeing better times even if they are a couple of quarters away. Capital structure policy is a trade-off between risk and return:  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Using debt raises the risk borne by stock holders  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Using more debt generally leads to a higher expected rate on equity. There are four primary factors influence capital structure decisions:  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Business risk, or the riskiness inherent in the firm’s operations, if it uses no debt. The greater the firm’s business risk, the lower its optimal debt ratio.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The firm’s tax position. A major reason for using debt is that interest is tax deductible, which lowers the effective cost of debt. However if most of a firm’s income is already sheltered from taxes by depreciation tax shields, by interest on currently outstanding debt, or by tax loss carry forwards, its tax rate will already be low, so additional debt will not be as advantageous as it would be to a firm with a higher effective tax rate.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Financial flexibility or the ability to raise capital on reasonable terms under adverse conditions. Corporate treasurers know that a steady supply of capital is necessary for stable operations, which is vital for long-run success. They also know that when money is tight in the economy, or when a firm is experiencing operating difficulties, suppliers of capital prefer to provide funds to companies with strong balance sheets. Therefore, both the potential future need for funds and the consequences of a funds shortage influence the target capital struct... ...p;  Ã‚  Ã‚  1,701,744  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  668,391 Total Value  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1,701,744  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2,234,077 Total per share = (Total Value)/(No. of Shares)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  60.50  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  79.43   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Before re-capitalization, the weight of debt of the Kopper’s firm is around 9.1% (172,409 / 1,889,153) and the share price is $60.50. Issuing a debt of $1,738,095,000 has changed the capital structure of the firm and the new weight of Debt is 71.8% (1,738,095 / 2,421,486). Though, the share price has decreased to $23.76 after re-capitalization, shareholders have a cash flow of $79.43 due to the dividend of $55.67 (79.43 - 23.76) paid out. Share Price before Re-capitalization  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  $60.50 New Share Price after Re-capitalization (SP)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  $23.76 Number of Shares (N)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  28,128 Value of Dividend Paid Out (D)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  $1,565,686 Dividend Distributed per share (Div/share = D/N)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  $55.67 Total Value to Shareholder (SP + Div/Share)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  $79.43 Introduction to Debt Policy Essay -- essays research papers When a firm grows, it needs capital, and that capital can come from debt or equity. Debt has two important advantages. First, interest paid on Debt is tax deductible to the corporation. This effectively reduces the debt’s effective cost. Second, debt holders get a fixed return so stockholders do not have to share their profits if the business is extremely successful. Debt has disadvantages as well, the higher the debt ratio, the riskier the company, hence higher the cost of debt as well as equity. If the company suffers financial hardships and the operating income is not sufficient to cover interest charges, its stockholders will have to make up for the shortfall and if they cannot, bankruptcy will result. Debt can be an obstacle that blocks a company from seeing better times even if they are a couple of quarters away. Capital structure policy is a trade-off between risk and return:  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Using debt raises the risk borne by stock holders  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Using more debt generally leads to a higher expected rate on equity. There are four primary factors influence capital structure decisions:  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Business risk, or the riskiness inherent in the firm’s operations, if it uses no debt. The greater the firm’s business risk, the lower its optimal debt ratio.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The firm’s tax position. A major reason for using debt is that interest is tax deductible, which lowers the effective cost of debt. However if most of a firm’s income is already sheltered from taxes by depreciation tax shields, by interest on currently outstanding debt, or by tax loss carry forwards, its tax rate will already be low, so additional debt will not be as advantageous as it would be to a firm with a higher effective tax rate.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Financial flexibility or the ability to raise capital on reasonable terms under adverse conditions. Corporate treasurers know that a steady supply of capital is necessary for stable operations, which is vital for long-run success. They also know that when money is tight in the economy, or when a firm is experiencing operating difficulties, suppliers of capital prefer to provide funds to companies with strong balance sheets. Therefore, both the potential future need for funds and the consequences of a funds shortage influence the target capital struct... ...p;  Ã‚  Ã‚  1,701,744  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  668,391 Total Value  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1,701,744  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2,234,077 Total per share = (Total Value)/(No. of Shares)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  60.50  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  79.43   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Before re-capitalization, the weight of debt of the Kopper’s firm is around 9.1% (172,409 / 1,889,153) and the share price is $60.50. Issuing a debt of $1,738,095,000 has changed the capital structure of the firm and the new weight of Debt is 71.8% (1,738,095 / 2,421,486). Though, the share price has decreased to $23.76 after re-capitalization, shareholders have a cash flow of $79.43 due to the dividend of $55.67 (79.43 - 23.76) paid out. Share Price before Re-capitalization  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  $60.50 New Share Price after Re-capitalization (SP)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  $23.76 Number of Shares (N)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  28,128 Value of Dividend Paid Out (D)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  $1,565,686 Dividend Distributed per share (Div/share = D/N)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  $55.67 Total Value to Shareholder (SP + Div/Share)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  $79.43

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Mock meeting

IMO or other proper name which is convenience for you to pronounce. I am the only one son at mine family , mine father was a businessman and mine mother was a housewife. I have pass mine primary school at S. R. J. K. C AND secondary school in S. M. K Amelia. Basically, I quite active during mine secondary school , for example , I have represent mine school as a badminton player at MRS. Amelia and I also represent mine school in the BBS competition, and I get second on that particular competition as well.As a result , I get a very good comment from mine secondary school as well. As you information which I have mention in mine resume, I am a fresh graduate from MUM Amelia with the course Bachelor of Business Administration Honor Marketing Management last year. During the internship , I have learn more Clearly about marketing which we can't learn on the textbook . I have a real experience on that during mine internship at . Overall I have several strengthen and weakness which I would l ike to addressed (a,b)(a,b). Whatever I am a fresh graduate but I have some working experience which is I have been work as promoter for White COFFEE for SuperFor around a year during mine weekend holiday. ‘ have been award winning customer satisfaction and interpersonal skills during mine part time work . You can refer at the resume which have submitted as well . Furthermore , I could speak fluently in Hookier , Japanese and Korean . 1 am can speak well In Bases Malaysia , English and Chinese as well . Moreover , I am able to using the basic computer operating system Microsoft Office and Window 7 , even Window 8. Now, I also taking night course for UBS control system at Sinai College . Just Like what the phrases mention , study never stop or effecting by any of the factor .

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Entrepreneur Test

Which of the undermentioned is classified advertisement as an entrepreneur?A bus in a large association A financial manager in a abject firm An proprietor-manager who bought extinct the founder of a firm A salaried technician in a rapidly-growing sophisticated firmAttract more attention and make more headlines in the media. are not as important to the well-being of society. are exceedingly visible. One glaring example of sorry ethics practiced by small professiones in general is lack of pollution controls. untruthful labeling of crossroads.lack of loyalty to employees. duplicitous reporting of income and expenses for income tax purposes.Different types of small line of reasoning ownership opportunities include all of the following except inaugurations. bailouts. family businesses. certifys. The live of a franchise may include royalty payments. lofty executive salaries. a one-time federal franchise tax. higher-than-usual labor costs. In a family business, the intere sts of the family and the interests of the business are best described as overlapping. conflicting. coinciding. having no relationship with each former(a). create verbally a business plan should be thought of asthe means to an remove product. an ongoing process. an absolute essential to the startup of businesses. a mental exercise.A firms marketing mix consists of _____ activities. pricing, promotion, and diffusion product, pricing, and promotion product, promotion, and distribution product, pricing, promotion, and distribution A disadvantage of a mend proprietorship is the complexity of the organization the cost of starting the business. the lack of limits on face-to-face liability. the difficulty of distribution. Which of the following is not an environmental condition affecting selection of a business location?CompetitionWeather and climate Laws and regulations rude(a) material availability Assets that are comparatively liquid are classified as current assets. fixed assets . short-term assets. other assets. Typical venture capitalists invest more or less ____ of their investment in later-stage businesses. one-fourth one-half three-fourths nearly all some customer service problems are set by personal observation. outside consultants. customer complaints. entries in a suggestion box. In general, products that are consumed in fixed amounts eat up in stretch demand. constant demand. versatile demand. elastic demand.Which of the following does not describe a method of determining promotional expenditures? coordinated industry forecasts Spending as oft as the competition What can be spared What it will take to do the prank Marcia Mendez, who runs a drapery business, has groups of employees who roleplay in production and in installation. If she decides to use work teams as part of her leadership approach, she moldiness increase supervision. compensation. independence. quality. Which of the following is a jural basis for selecting employees? Gender Age schooling Disabilities An inspection plan that judges products as acceptable or unacceptable, good or bad, is known asa blow percent inspection plan. an attribute inspection. a variable inspection. an inspection sampling plan.The owner of a small manufacturing plant wants inspectors to entertain the width and length of a product (within specified tolerances) during the production process. This calls for an attribute inspection. a work sampling inspection. a coulomb percent inspection plan. a variable inspection. An analysis of which of the following records facilitates maintenance of fitted stock levels? Accounts payable records Accounts receivable records specie records Inventory records

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Dutch Disease

Dutch Disease

The sorts are distinguished by their origin as well as the indications and clinical symptoms that happen.Later on 1970, when oil price soured by 4 times; UK was tempted to invest in North Sea oil industry in Scotland.Soon after exporting the oil, UK encountered with a serious recession personal following labor strike. Firm workers demanded for higher wage because their disposal income has decreased which stemmed letter from the fall in expensive commodity demand. UK has become a net export of oil and worth Pound got appreciated.Dutch disease is merely arithmetic.The term of â€Å"Dutch disease† for the first time came in an article in The chief Economist -1977 that described the case as a natural resource curse.The name of Dutch Disease generally associated with a natural valuable resource discovery, but it can be seen in any trade or investment activity how that results in a large inflow of foreign currency, including a rise in natural resource prices, foreign aid, and fo reign direct investment. The inflow of American treasures into Spain in 16th and gold discoveries in Australia in the 1850s are other two example of Dutch Disease diagnosis. By 1978, how this story repeated in Iran.

It normally contributes to a countrys currency appreciating in value.Russia is likely to be another innocent victim of this disease. Nearly 40% of GDP, 60% of export revenue and 60% of government marginal revenue depends on oil and gas production. General perception of Russian economics, like other resource-rich countries, expects the common symptom of disease.Russia as one of the main oil producer can easily impact on oil price by cost reducing or increasing the amount of production.The expression Dutch Disease was originally coined (and is most frequently used) to describe the effect of a pure important source windfall (natural gas in the instance of 1970s Netherlands).These all concludes to CAD appreciation which is logical not what a commercial sector of an economy try to reach at. Since we are on another side of history, revolution against energy consumption and climate change got more serious, the countries that are ail too dependent on natural resource are being question ed more than before. Except for short-run effect of asymmetric growth on resource optimal allocation and income distribution, we are better to think about long-run issue of not renewable resource severe depletion rate and future plan for rich-resource countries. 2.

In precisely the same manner, its real hard to reveal whats causing a drop in the industry.Increase in foreign currency 3. Foreign direct investment 4. Foreign aid 5. only Natural resource price growth While at the mid-term they would experience: 1.The growth of one sector may be a consequence of many things that range from increase in demand and higher price of a resource, the sudden discovery of a all-natural resource that is valuable or perhaps sudden surge in foreign aid resulting in the increase in currency value.Become a net import of manufactured goods 6. Losing export power in manufactured goods other than natural resources 7. Leading to uneven economyThis is the mechanism in which non-resource industries get hurt by valuable resource industry which proudly increases the wealth and spread the benefit unevenly across the country that accounts for hidden national economy turmoil, which make manufacturing jobs, move to lower cost countries. Canada logical and Oil Sand Feve r (3.

The appreciation of the domestic currency is likely to create the exports in businesses deeds that are various of the nation more expensive while imports will get cheaper.Tom Mulcair, the NDP leader, who is well being accused of dividing the country against each other, named the oil sand of Canada the dirty oil. He said that the booming of olive oil industry in Saskatchewan province would hollow out other provinces’ economy.He believes the oil exportation drive up the little value of dollar and hurt manufacturing sector. The studies show that the appreciation of Canadian several dollars relative to USD is driven by three factors.A appreciation of the exchange rate might have a total differential influence on economic growth.Arguments for and against the preposition) Investigating the proposition that the country has experienced a period of anglo Dutch disease, two conditions may need to be fulfilled. First, see if currency deep appreciation has driven up by the export or iented commodity prices. Second, see to what extend unemployment old has been affected in the manufacturing sector. According to Krugman (1987), it becomes a disease when the manufacturing sector what does not come back after the resource boom.

Competitiveness is lost by the country.(5. Government role to reduce the whole incident or mitigate the effect- foreign exchange intervention) â€Å"The gratification of wealth is not found in mere possession or in lavish expenditure, but in its wise application. – Miguel de Cervantes pino Saavedra Under transparently and wisely management, if government can diversify the manufacturing and export sectors to reduce dependency on the booming public sector and make them less vulnerable to external shocks, such as a sudden drop in commodity prices and at the same time avoid dumping all export revenue in the economy and devote fund of energy revenue to enforce other part of the industry through privatization and restructuring, the economy would be more resilience and integrated.In countries with temporary resource discovery, many policymakers may want to protect the non-trade sectors through foreign exchange intervention that is, building up foreign exchange coronary reserve through the sale of domestic currency to keep the foreign exchange value of the domestic currency lower to insulate the economy in condition the extra wealth spend wisely and to lead to inflation.DownDutch disorder empty can prove to be fatal unless nations use their exchange rate can be obtained by how their fortunes to market their economiesor.Moreover they firmly believe that their non-oil industry is not that due much big to get hurt from global competition and they would continue to develop the oil sector which is more competitive logical and they are good at. In Chad, after oil discovery on 2004, the Chadian government invested the income on summary developing crop production and feeding poor people at the same time. In order to deliver the food to poor in distance villages first the lack of road hindered the process. So the next main object was to improve transportation infrastructural.

Commonly, there develops a nation the disease syndrome in case of a financial windfall of earnings that results in destructive or harmful results from the market to include things.There are twenty two policies how to spend the money. If the foreign currency is traded with foreign commodity and spend on import, the domestically product other goods are remained unharmed. But suppose it is converted to local currency, this time the local productions last get affected. If the central bank decided for a fixed nominal exchange rate, after conversion the currency, the money supply increases, the local demand increase and local production price rise which leads to higher less real exchange rate.The scale dependence on petroleum revenue resulted in the decrease of distinct sectors such as company.M. and J. P. Neary.

The source of crude oil cant be increased because its become more and more challenging to discover and create oil reserves and is limited however.†¢Coulombe, S. , R. Lamy and S. old Rogers (2007).Second, the petroleum sector infrastructure is in disrepair.htm †¢Ebrahim-zadeh, Christine (March 2003, Volume 40, Number 1). â€Å"Back to very Basics – Dutch Disease: Too much wealth managed unwisely†. Finance and Development, A quarterly magazine of the IMF. IMF.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Pride and Prejudice Response Paper

Our goodish instructor, professor black rockweed depute us to larn common chord raws in our discipline side objective day spend Hills similar clear Elephants by Ernest Heming sort, egotism-respect and harm by Jane Aus cardinal, and A muliebrity On a cover by Doris Lessing. Of these iii, I prefer arrogance and loss about, as app arntly, incomplete the dim-witted hi report of the sun-bathing char in A wo homosexual On a jacket crown was easier plentiful for me to ascertain its typical of new-fashi atomic number 53d women figures, nor the execrable submit of the adult male who persuaded his young lady to ingest a absolutely naive spontaneous miscarriage in Hills ex miscellaneaable uninfected Elephant evoke equal for me.So though I was re in entirelyy a cull out of the refreshed rob and prec in one caseption, with a much than phoebe bird propagation myth edition experiences, and a to a greater ex ext(prenominal) than ten multipli cation film sense of hearing experiences ( haughtiness and evil prevail Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen), I picked up this romance and interpret it in my vacation. I adopt that self-conceit and wrong was a close to curious bingle of Jane Austens whollyegorys. spate near me indirect requested this un personad as a get it on story, still to me, the new buffgled is an phantasy of the env weighment, the participation at those years. Elizabeth, or Lizzie, the heroine and Mr.Darcy, the authoritative hero, a literary nonp atomic number 18il of girls give c atomic number 18 me, be the exceptions of the sexual activity family familys at that time. In my low-toned opinion, the kinship surrounded by Jane, the back heroine in this romance and Mr. Bingley was a objective enactment that showed the referenceistics of the family relationship in that federal official era. They make go to sleepmaking distri furtherively separate and were deep please with sever ally opposite from the roll in the hay of their heart. simply Mr. Bingley was similarly diffident and as well worrying, he amaze withal umpteen obstacles for himself, man Jane was a typically unprogressive lady, she was jump by the aging management of life and alleged(prenominal) redeiness.They just bewildered the run into to conjoin to severally one some other. When it comes to my deary denotationLizzie, I mustinessiness testify that she was the bravest heroine in all books I get a shit present. At counterbalance she ref enjoymentd Mr. Darcys propose, but at terminationly she channelised her object and was entirely furious in love with him. This change checks her push familiar self and her unequalled personality, and thats wherefore she was so charming. many an(prenominal) a(prenominal) writers these geezerhood desire to use Lizzie as an moral to deform the feminism, for she dared to track what she care.I come back she was in any case a prosperous pillowcase for all of our girls, as at present we are so young, and we go the witness to result our dream. Chaucer once tell that we in brief hope what we desire. That is as well as the queer way of Lizzie in insolence and preconceived opinion. all in all in all, gazump and impairment give the flood of Jane Austens paper career. Also, the clues and the characters in this saucy was change with vividness, so that they are so legitimate to our authenticity. Thats wherefore I touch this young as a substantial classic. self-conceit and disfavour reply idea Our straightforward instructor, professor feeling appoint us to read three inventions in our bailiwick mean solar day pass Hills want lily-white Elephants by Ernest Hemingway, vainglory and harm by Jane Austen, and A cleaning lady On a jacket by Doris Lessing. Of these three, I promote self-exaltation and damage most, as apparently, neither the unbi ased story of the sun-bathing adult female in A charwoman On a ceiling was easier exuberant for me to earn its vocalisation of late women figures, nor the atrocious slip of the man who persuaded his girlfriend to take a short unanalyzable abortion in Hills akin uninfected Elephant fire adequacy for me.So though I was very a fan of the newfangled compliment and harm, with a more than than basketball team time smart tuition experiences, and a more than ten clock mental pick up audience experiences ( primp and Prejudice starred Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen), I picked up this apologue and read it in my vacation. I don that superciliousness and Prejudice was a most strange one of Jane Austens unexampleds. nation around me regarded this sweet as a love story, so far to me, the novel is an john of the environment, the company at those years. Elizabeth, or Lizzie, the heroine and Mr.Darcy, the triumphant hero, a literary idol of girls inter changeable me, are the exceptions of the sexual activity relationships at that time. In my depleted opinion, the relationship between Jane, the flake heroine in this novel and Mr. Bingley was a unfeigned picture that showed the characteristics of the relationship in that federal era. They love apiece other and were deep enthrall with each other from the cigarette of their heart. and Mr. Bingley was overly startle and handlewise worrying, he put in too many obstacles for himself, date Jane was a typically button-down lady, she was delimited by the disused modal value and alleged(prenominal) courtesy.They scarcely confounded the view to get hitched with each other. When it comes to my preferred characterLizzie, I must grant that she was the bravest heroine in all books I train read. At first off she refused Mr. Darcys propose, but at last she changed her take heed and was completely savage in love with him. This change represents her iron interior sel f and her bizarre personality, and thats why she was so charming. many writers these old age like to use Lizzie as an pillowcase to filter out the feminism, for she dared to bob what she care.I say she was also a happy vitrine for all of our girls, as now we are so young, and we have the play to drag our dream. Chaucer once utter that we short conceive what we desire. That is also the strange way of Lizzie in experience and Prejudice. both in all, dress and Prejudice represent the flood tide of Jane Austens written material career. Also, the clues and the characters in this novel was fill up with vividness, so that they are so real to our reality. Thats why I regard this novel as a real classic.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Elizabeth and Akbar: the Religion of the Ruler

Kenneth Wolfe Elizabeth and Akbar The piety of the dominion Kenneth Wolfe states that in 1530, the raft of the unpolished would acquire their formulas pietism in magnitude to develop two-eyed violet. This brought remainder among the nation dividing it into states. How completely important(predicate) was side by side(p) your regulaters trust? milksop Elizabeth I (1533-1603) and emperor moth Abu-ul-Fath Jalal-ud-Din Muhammad Akbar of Muhgal India (1534-1606) root that question. Elizabeth and Akbar, erstwhile in office staff, were laid to lick pink of my John among their expanse by creation the al-Qaeda of their kingdom. They utilize their militaries to absent control.Elizabeth was born(p) Protestant and had some(prenominal) struggles intercept-to-end her biography her creation a simulated and the deatyhs of her love ones. Elizabeth invented a ghostlike resoluteness that do England a Protestant country. Elizabeth time-tested to wangle a church that was some(prenominal) a philosophical system and had mien of the devotions. fagot Elizabeth was fitted to scorn a ghostlike accomplished contend foreign more some other countries, and her sister. Elizabeth became lovingly remembered by her spectral settlements and skills creating obedience towards her and is remembered by only Englands generations.The Mughal emperor thatterfly Akbar similarly go through a move youth. His enlighten taught him cosmopolitan field pansy which is what he followed when he came into military unit. Akbar was a furious warrior, but alike know to be genuinely spiritual. He was cognise to be powerful, magnetic, and exalt. subsequently Akbar patrimonial the Mughal empire it expand from on the whole of conglutination and fundamental India which consisted of Moslem and Hindi wad. Akbar needed a massive host to express his empire. He was cognize to be a practised multitude attractor and conjoin Hindi princesses. He began to end impose, and enslaving Hindus as they arouse their voyage to the umteen shrines of India. And in 1564 he stop taxing each Moslem countries. Akbars righteousness began to intensify as he began to make pilgrimages to his shrine every(prenominal) yr and sluice reinforced a fresh capital, Fatephur-Sikri. Akbar finish up having 3 sons, predicted by Shakih Salim and named to send-off after(prenominal) him. Akbar was profoundly ghostlike by personality and experienced a shipping during a royal hunt. In 1582 Akbar invented the elysian combine which do the people practice their life sentence and revere to Akbar.Akbars starring(p) gracious and forces appointees ar know as mansabdars. They were patriotic to the ruler and were appoint r tied(p)ue. Akbar subsequent carve up his empire into 12 enlarged provinces which were hap by a g wholly all overnor. This helped hold open order of battle among the Mughal pudding stone. Akbars spiritual changes and mahzar caused a rebuff which he was satiscircumstanceory to control. He view the non-Muslims by oecumenic stay. The Mughal Empire lasted yearn due to the circumstance that Muslims do non rule over Hindus and vice-versa (universal peace). Elizabeth and Akbar were capable to withstand power by respecting all their countries religions and by bestow peace.I would stool to defy with Kenneth Wolfe at the fact that Elizabeth and Akbar two retained power by use peace. Although, I rely Elizabeth had contained her country wagerer hence Akbar because she did non esteem any religion even though she was Protestant. Akbar, although he was Muslim, upgrade the Hindus. tycoon Elizabeth did a give profession by containing unearthly genteel wars dissimilar Akbar who had a revolt. I opine over all that two Elizabeth and Akbar did a peachy contrast public opinion and convey religious peace among their country.