Saturday, August 31, 2019

Critique of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Essay

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, came as a reaction to the dreadful damages of the Second World War. This declaration was built according to the fundamentals of equality. It lists us all of our rights, all of our freedoms and how we can express them freely. It was constructed on the basic fact of it being just, equal to all, and right. However, are all articles applicable on all of mankind? Or can some of these be questioned? Generally, all of these articles should be applicable for the majority of humans, but not all of them. There is always an exception to the rule. There is always an outlier that doesn’t follow the rules. Many countries have rejected or not signed this declaration, therefore this declaration isn’t pertinent everywhere. One can find a lot of exceptions for many articles. Article 1 states that all human beings are free and equal in dignity and rights, that they are endowed with reason and conscience and should act toward one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Nonetheless, not all human beings are reasonable and conscious of everything they do. Take serial killers for example. Their acts prove of inhumanity. A man with reason and/or conscience would never do such a thing. Also, should we give unreasonable people the same rights as the ones reasonable people have? Should they have the same privilege as others even if they have no sense of reason or conscience? The United Nations General Assembly also mentioned the fact that people should act in a spirit of brotherhood. Look around you, what brotherhood? Is killing each other brotherhood? Is fighting and starting wars brotherhood? Is forgetting every moral and correct way of acting just to get to power brotherhood? A definite no is the correct answer to these questions. There are no signs of brotherhood around us. On the contrary, if one takes a close look to our surroundings and everything around us, humans, one will only notice nothing but signs of rivalry and opposition. Article 2 raises the issue of the fact that we’re all equal in terms of rights and freedoms without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Despite that, distinctions according to race, color, sex, religion, etc still exist in our modern society. Movements of racism, sexism, and religions distinctions still exist, but of course, lesser than before. People are still fighting and battling to erase these distinctions completely. This is a process every person looking for an equal and just world should follow. Article 5 states that no one shall be subjected to torture or to be cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment. What about those who commit inhuman acts, those who torture other humans for the fun of it, don’t they deserve to have a taste of their own medicine? One should be treated the way one treats others. So if one tortures one another, that one shall be tortured or punished. Part 2 of article 15 articulates the fact that no one shall be deprived of his nationality. Well, what if that individual was involved in acts of high treason? What if that person turned his back on his country and denied his own nationality. That person definitely does not deserve to hold his nationality and shall be deprived from it immediately. Articles 18 and 19 talk about the fact that everyone is free to express their thoughts, opinions, religions. Some thoughts and opinions might actually harm others. Physically or mentally. In that way, it will refrain article 1. An example of such opinions/thoughts/religion would be Satanism and the Ku Klux Klan. These associations actions can damage others and hurt them. Therefore, these associations do not have the right to fully express themselves, but partially. They can only express the opinions/thoughts that do no harm to others. To sum things up, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is inconsistent; its articles are not always suitable. This declaration is not functional in all countries as some countries did not sign it. This declaration fails in its goal of it being universal; Exceptions can be found to some articles. Pieces of this declaration can be questioned for some precise individuals. It is not always applicable and it is not always a reliable document.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Care of the older adult notes Essay

Many older patients are prescribed multiple drugs, take over-the-counter medications, and are often prescribed additional drugs to treat the side effects of the medications that they are already taking. The increase in the number of medications often leads to polypharmacy, which is defined as the prescription, administration, or use of more medications than are clinically indicated in a given patient. One widely used ADL tool is the Barthel Index : measure functional levels of self-care and mobility, and it rates the ability to feed and groom oneself, bathe, go to the toilet, walk (or propel a wheelchair), climb stairs, and control bowel and bladder. The original ADL tool was developed by Katz Several interventions that may help the prescriber to prevent polypharmacy include knowing all medications, by both brand and generic name, being used by the patient; identifying indications for each medication; knowing the side effect profiles of the medications; eliminating drugs with no benefit or indication; and avoiding the urge to treat a drug reaction with another drug. Patient education on the risks of polypharmacy may help the patient as well. The Mini-Cog: The screening consists of a three-item recall and a clock-drawing test. This reliable tool can assist nurses with early detection of cognitive problems. Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE): measure change in cognitive impairment. It measures orientation, registration, attention and calculation, short-term recall, language, and visuospatial function. *Dementia is a permanent progressive decline in cognitive function Of the five senses—hearing, vision, smell, taste, and touch—it is the occurrence of diminishe d vision and hearing that seems to have the greatest impact on older adults. Problems with vision or hearing can have negative effects on social interaction and hence on social and psychological health. Presbyopia refers to an age-related change in vision. Presbycusis refers to age-related progressive hearing loss. Age-related macular degeneration, the deterioration of central vision, Assessing Older Adults  cognitive-testing tools such as the Mini–Mental State Exam or the Orientation–Memory–Concentration Test (OMCT).3 Both tools assess orientation  to time and place, short-term memory, and concentration. The CAM is a standardized instrument developed for clinicians to identifydelirium, an acute change in mental status from baseline, quickly and accurately. Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA © Version 7.1) was developed as a quick screening tool for MCI and early Alzheimer’s dementia. It assesses the domains of attention and concentration, executive functions, memory, language, visuoconstructional skills, conceptual thinking, calculations, and orientation End-of-Life Care The interdisciplinary group or team (IDG/IDT): Registered nurse—coordinates the plan of care for each patient Health Promotion Healthy people 2010- preventative measures for ages 50-64 Healthcare Policy and Reform Medicare is Title XVIII of the Social Security Act; it was passed in 1965, after years of trying to provide some kind of universal health insurance. It is an insurance program for those 65 or over who have paid into the Social Security system, the railroad fund, or are diagnosed with end stage renal disease. Activity: Healthcare Policy and Reform In general, you should apply for Medicaid if your income is low and you match one of the descriptions below. Medicare is a Federal health insurance program for people 65 years or older, certain people with disabilities, and people with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Medicare Medicare is an insurance program. Medical bills are paid from trust funds which those covered have paid into. It serves people over 65 primarily, whatever their income; and serves younger disabled people and dialysis patients. Patients pay part of costs through deductibles for hospital and other costs. Small monthly premiums are required for non-hospital coverage. Medicare is a federal program. It is basically the same everywhere in the United States and is run by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, an agency of the federal government. Medicaid Medicaid is an assistance program. Medical bills are paid from federal, state and local tax funds. It serves low-income people of every age. Patients usually pay no part of costs for covered medical expenses. A small co-payment is sometimes required. Medicaid is a federal-state program. It varies from state to state. It is run by state and local governments within federal guidelines. To qualify for Medicaid, an individual must fit into a category of eligibility and meet certain financial and resource standards. Medicaid provides three types of health protection: 1) health insurance for low-income families and people with disabilities, 2) long-term care (LTC) for older Americans and persons with disabilities, and 3) supplemental coverage for low-income Medicare beneficiaries for services not covered by Medicare Living Environment Annual vaccination against influenza is recommended for all adults 65 years of age or older because more than 90% of the deaths from influenza occur in this population. Periodic boosters of tetanus vaccine, traditionally given every 10 years in the United States, are recommended for older adults by the USPSTF. The Beers List of medications to be avoided in the elderly has become a national guideline for prescribers and pharmacists in the United States (Fick etal., 2003). These medications include long-acting benzodiazepines, sedative or hypnotic agents, longacting oral hypoglycemics, analgesics, antiemetics, and gastrointestinal antispasmodics. Maintaining Functional Independence â€Å"Elderly patients with unintentional weight loss are at higher risk for infection, depression and death† U.S. Public Health Service published the report Promoting Health/Preventing Disease: Objectives for the Nation. This 1980 report outlined 226 objectives for the nation to achieve over the following 10 years. Healthy People 2000, was initiated by the U.S. Public Health Service in another effort to reduce preventable death and disability for Americans. Healthy People 2010 initiative; however, the number of objectives has increased to 467, and these are distributed over 28 priority areas. Frailty is perceived as a general decline in the physical function of older adults that can increase vulnerability to illness and decline. Defining characteristics include unintentional weight loss of more than 10%  in the prior year, feelings of exhaustion, grip strength in the weakest 20% for age, walking speed in the lowest 20% for age, and low caloric expenditure.

Personality Notes Essay

* Personality is the unique and relatively stable way in which a person thinks, feels, and behaves. Character is value judgments of a person’s ethical and moral behavior. Temperament refers to the enduring characteristics that a person is born with. * There are four main personality theories. The psychodynamic perspective focuses on the role of the unconscious mind in the development of personality and biological causes of personality differences. The behaviorist perspective is focused on theories of learning and the effect of the environment on behavior. The humanistic perspective focuses on a person’s life choices and experiences in personality development. The trait perspective is not concerned with how personality forms, but the end characteristics of personality. * Freud believed the mind was divided into three parts: the preconscious, the conscious and the unconscious. Conscious is where current awareness exists. Preconscious contains memories, information and events that one is easily aware of. The unconscious is where thoughts, feelings, memories and other information is kept that is not voluntarily or easily brought into consciousness. The id is the first and most primitive part of the personality. It is unconscious, pleasure-seeking and amoral. The pleasure principle is the principle by which the id functions, immediate satisfaction without regard for consequences. * The ego is the second part of personality that comes from a need to deal with reality. It’s mostly conscious, rational and logical. It functions on the reality principle, satisfying the needs of the id only when negative consequences will not result. * The final part of the personality according to Freud is the superego, which functions as a moral center. It contains the conscience, which produces pride or guilt depending on how acceptable the behavior is. * Fixation is defined by Freud as getting stuck in a developmental stage. * Psychosexual stages are the five stages of personality development that Freud tied directly to a child’s sexual development. * The first stage is the oral stage in the first year of life. The mouth is the erogenous zone. It is governed by the id. Weaning is the major conflict. * The second stage is the anal stage from 1-3 years, in which the anus is the erogenous zone and toilet training is the major conflict. Children who rebel against toilet training are said to grow into an anal expulsive personality: messy, destructive and hostile. Children who refuse to poop are said to grow into an anal retentive personality: neat, fussy, stingy and stubborn. * The third stage is the phallic stage, from 3-6 years, in which the child develops sexual feelings. Freud believed that children developed an Oedipus complex during this stage, in which they develop a sexual attraction to the opposite-sex parent and jealousy of the same-sex parent. Latency is the fourth stage, occurring during the school years, in which the sexual feelings are repressed in order for the child to develop in other ways. * Genital stage is the fifth stage, from puberty to death, in which the child has to come to terms with their sexual feelings. * Psychoanalysis was Freud’s term for the theory of personality and the therapy based on it. * The Neo-Freudians were followers of Freud who developed their own competing psychodynamic theories. * Carl Gustav Jung disagreed with Freud about the unconscious mind. He believed there was a personal unconscious, as Freud described, and a collective unconscious of all memories shared by the human species. Collective human memories are called archetypes. * Alfred Adler also disagreed with Freud about sexuality being the driving force of personality. He believed that as children, people felt inferior to more powerful adults and everything after that point was not seeking of pleasure, but seeking of superiority. He also developed a theory that birth order had input into personality. Karen Horney didn’t study directly with Freud, but taught his work until she left because of disagreement over penis envy, which she countered with womb envy. She didn’t focus on sexuality, but instead anxiety. She said that children are born with basic anxiety, which is created when a child is born into the bigger and more powerful world of older children and adults. Those with less secure upbringings end up with neurotic personalities, in which they have maladaptive ways of dealing with relationships. Freud did no experiments and only based his theory off of his own experiments. He took it as his right to interpret experiences of his clients as fact or fantasy depending on how they fit in his theory. * According to behaviorists, personality is no more than a set of habits. Habits are defined as a set of well-learned responses that have become automatic. * Social cognitive learning theorists focus on both the effects of other people’s behavior and of a person’s own expectancies of learning. In the social cognitive view of Alfred Bandura, behavior is also governed by cognitive processes like anticipating, judging, memory and anticipation. * Reciprocal determinism is Bandura’s explanation of how the environment, personal characteristics and behavior itself affect future behaviors. Environment includes the physical surroundings, people who may or may not be present and the potential reinforcement in the setting. Self-efficacy is one of the most important variables Bandura speaks of. It is the individual’s expectancy of how effective their efforts to accomplish a goal will be in any particular circumstance. * One important pattern of responding is the locus of control, which is the tendency for people to assume they either do or do not have control over events they experience in their own lives. Like Bandura, Rotter believed a combination of factors affected behavioral response: expectancy and reinforcement value. Expectancy is a person’s subjective feeling that a particular behavior will lead to a reinforcing consequence. The humanistic perspective is the â€Å"third force† in psychology, which focuses on aspects of personality that make people uniquely human. * Carl Rogers believed that humans are always striving to fulfill their innate capacities and abilities to become all that their genetic makeup will allow. Striving for fulfillment is called the self-actualization tendency. An important tool for this is self-concept, an image of oneself that develops from important interactions with significant people in one’s life. Self is awareness of one’s own personal characteristics and level of functioning. Two components of self-concept are real self, which is one’s perception of actual characteristics, traits and abilities, and ideal self, the perception of what one should be or would like to be. * Positive regard refers to the warmth, affection, love and regard that comes from significant others in one’s life. Unconditional positive regard has no strings attached. Conditional positive regard depends on what a person is doing. * A fully functioning person, according to Rogers, is in touch with and trusting the deep, innermost urges and feelings. The trait theories describe characteristics that make up human personality in order to predict future behavior. Traits are consistent, enduring ways of thinking, feeling or behaving. * Allport was one of the first trait theorists. He and his partner looked through the dictionary, picked words that could be traits, then narrowed it town. He believed traits were wired in to the nervous system to guide behavior. * Raymond Cattell built on that and described two types of traits, surface traits and source traits. Surface traits are easily seen by others. Source traits are more basic and form the curve of personality. Introversion is a dimension of personality in which people withdraw from excess stimulation. * The five-factor model or the Big Five is a model of personality traits that describes five basic trait dimensions. Openness is a willingness to try new things and be open to new experiences. Conscientiousness refers to the thought a person gives to organization and thoughtfulness of others; dependability. Extraversion divides people into introverts (solitary) and extroverts (social). Agreeableness is the basic emotional style of the person. Neuroticism is the degree of emotional stability or instability. * Mischel has emphasized that there is a trait-situation interaction where the particular circumstances of a situation will influence how a trait is expressed. * Behavioral genetics is the field of study devoted to discovering the genetic bases for personality traits. Several studies have found that the five factor traits have a 50% heritability over several cultures. Interviews cause the problem of false reports and the halo effect, in which a person’s personality is so good that the interviewer interprets them to be good all around, especially when that is false. * Projective tests present ambiguous visual stimulus to clients and ask them to respond with whatever comes to mind. The Rorscach inkblot test uses 10 inkblots as the ambiguous stimuli. The Thematic Aperception Test uses 20 black and white pictures of people. Projective tests are very subjective, not very reliable or valid. * Other tools for assessment are direct observation and personality inventory.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Case brief Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Brief - Case Study Example The Labor Secretary has been given the constitutional powers to assess whether the employer has observed the necessary precautions to ensure employees safety in work place. Also the commission was tasked with constitutional powers to review such cases when they occur and deliver its ruling. Also the decision to determine which measure is safe for employees environment is left to the employer but not limited only to his knowledge but also to the familiarity of risks in the industry (Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, Â § 5(a) (1),). The company’s preventive measures simply involved the use of a single terminal manager to supervise the facility. The company used tanks to deliver petroleum products from one location to another. The scheduling of the delivery systems was scheduled months prior to delivery. It is a requirement for the terminal manager to be present on duty an hour before delivery to ensure the capacity of empty tanks available. However it’s not mandatory for him to be present during delivery. His presence is required on completion of delivery. Thus, probably anything can go wrong during the delivery time. The terminal manager is also tasked with stopping of any delivery if deemed necessary even with a just a phone call away. At the date of the accident there was an overflow during the delivery period. And when the terminal manager arrived tried to make his way to close the valves despite advice from firefighters not to do so. After he proceeded unluckily there was an explosion which led to his death and two other staffs from the nearby plant. Judge Phillips ruled that: from the evidence presented it was evident that the continental oil company was aware of the dangers that spill over can cause. Its inability to put in place automatic detection systems which can close the valves in the event of a spillage detected. There wasn’t enough manual labor to constantly monitor progress

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Applying the Chronic Illness Trajectory Framework to a past client Coursework

Applying the Chronic Illness Trajectory Framework to a past client - Coursework Example Doctors performed a diagnosis of CORP exacerbation alongside uncontrollable blood glucose that has a link to the respiratory treatment. Through cross-examining the victim, I apprehended that the he had been diagnosed with a chronic ailment. I attributed the cause of his illness to his exposure to toxic materials while serving in the American Air force. Here, I linked the cause to the first assumptions that indicate that the courses of chronic conditions are dynamic and changes with time. As the interrogation continued, I realized that the course of the patient’s condition would have been altered if he would not have denied his condition. As a result of his denial, his COPD evolved and soon he realized that he faced an elevated intolerance phenomenon that caused the supplementation of oxygen during exercises and medication. The patient’s condition would have been shaped and managed before it developed into the chronic state. The patient would have changed his career to a void getting exposes to more of the combustions fumes that his work entailed (Whittemore & Dixon, 2008). The technology involved in the treatment of the victim’s case was oxygen treatments machines. Long term oxygen therapy treatment that is subject to controversy based on its effectiveness was also administered. With the continual administration of the therapy, the condition of the patient worsened depicting that there was a way in which the technology used in the treatment affected him negatively. He later developed the symptoms of dyspnea and coughing and this necessitated hospitalization to attain a status of control. It seems the consequences of the technological effects led to the attraction of Type 2 diabetes that the patient’s diagnosis confirmed. Consequently, the patient could not acquire some of the biographical fulfillment and perform his daily activities such as dressing and taking a shower. As a result, his

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Choose one option and write a response paper Essay - 1

Choose one option and write a response paper - Essay Example Researchers have concluded that the reasons behind the patrolling include food availability, hunting activities, intruder pressures and male party size. The following essay looks at the case of the 2012 Oregon Sanctuary Chimp attack. While cleaning the Chimpanzee cage at a sanctuary, the intern and Charla Nash were brutally attacked by a chimpanzee leaving the two brutally injured. The two were cleaning the sanctuary while in the safety of the thought that the chimpanzee was in another area, and it could not get to them through the tunnels. The tunnel enclosure was not properly locked, and the chimpanzee, unfortunately, attacked them. The brutal chimpanzee attack is a normal behavior for chimpanzees that feel that their territory is under threat as previously stated. Charla Nash was also attacked by a friend’s pet chimpanzee in 2009. The chimpanzee weighing at least 200 pounds was outside, and she had gone to help in luring it back to the friend’s house. The two individuals apparently did not understand that chimpanzees are extremely territorial animals, and they can become violent when they are threatened or in the case that someone enters their territory. It was reported that Charla Nash and the owner of the pet were warned about the dangers of having the chimpanzee around. The chimpanzee was maturing and becoming extremely strong, and it has been reported and researched that chimpanzees viciously attack other animals and chimpanzees that pose a threat to its territory. The chimpanzees viciously attack those who are weaker or do no match them in terms of strength. Anthropologists have said that today’s chimpanzees are aggressive because they are endangered by human impact on their natural environment (Watts 317). The reason can perhaps explain the two chimpanzee incidences in this case study. In the Charla Nash, the fast maturing Chimpanzee was forced to live in proximity to human beings and not in their natural

Monday, August 26, 2019

Find all Details below Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Find all Details below - Research Paper Example Number of researches have been carried out to understand the role of these factors in the decision making process regarding various business related issues. However, most of these studies fail to provide a proper understanding regarding the effects of these factors in the context of a particular country. This paper includes a proposal of a research that will be conducted in order to gain insight into the role of different micro as well as macro environmental factors that are likely to impact the businesses which are operating in Australia. This research proposal is consisted of the principle aims and objectives of the research. Furthermore, it also includes the literature review, thesis structure as well as the expected outcomes of the actual research that will be carried out in near future. The research is expected to be very useful for the individuals from the both industry and academia as the focus will be on a particular country i.e. Australia. Purpose and Aims The central aim of the research is to identify the major macro and micro economic factors that are capable of influencing a particular organization in Australia. In addition to this another main objective of this research is to find out the ways in which the decision making process regarding the marketing of a particular company or its product or brand can be impacted by these factors. The main focus of the research will be on the strategic marketing decisions of a firm in a sense that how such decisions are impacted by the various environmental factors. The major research questions are properly mentioned below – 1. What are the major micro and macro environmental factors that are capable of impacting the business in Australia? 2. How the macro and micro economic environment of Australia impact the strategic marketing decisions of an organization in the particular country? Literature Review Success or failure of any research is greatly impacted by the theoretical base of it. In order to analyz e the theoretical background, a review of literature is conducted. No research can be said to be a completed one without the proper review of literature. As far as this research is concerned there are several theoretical aspects that will be properly analyzed. Two of the most important aspects in the context of this research are strategic marketing and macro and micro environmental factors. Preliminary study shows that marketing decisions at the strategic level make significant difference. On the other hand there are number of macro environmental factors such as culture, politics, economy, technology, society etc. that may influence the performance of a marketing campaign. Extensive literature regarding strategic marketing as well as several of the above mentioned factors is likely to be available in different books, journals and magazines. These sources can be accessed both online as well as offline. However, investigation regarding the academic theory of these aspects should be ma de limited. Marketing is a vast concept and hence it is not feasible to get into all the aspects of it. In fact, the focus will be on strategic marketing while searching the literature. On the other side, only relevant literature will be searched

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The European Intermodal Transport Operations Term Paper

The European Intermodal Transport Operations - Term Paper Example There are different types of shipping operations that include longterm charters, spot charters operations, and liner operations. Long term charters operations require that the shipowner knows the type of cargo to handle as well as the port that should be used for that purpose. Spot charter is an operation where an owner of a ship has a general idea of where the ship should be situated but does not have any knowledge about the type of goods to be used for the port. Liner operation states that the owner of a ship should have knowledge of the port or volumes of cargo to be used but the venue of the operation may change from one period to another. The shipping companies may approach the business by taking into account several issues such as the purchasing of vessels that are highly flexible, those that serve several markets and reduce the rate of risk from occurring. In addition, this may prompt an owner of a ship to use expensive open hold bulk carrier that handles containers as well as dry bulk cargo. Other ship owners may prefer to use ships that are designed for specific purposes, therefore more efficient and incur less operating cost during their operations. This system is used to create opportunities for its customers by availing the products to the market at the appropriate time and place. It is an information technology tool that is used for ensuring that there is efficient management and management of intermodal door to door transport operations using scientific tools such as logistic and communication systems appropriate for the organization. It was established so that it could help in the reduction of congestion as it was witnessed in the road network. The businessmen in the shipping industry opted to have the following factors into place so as to carry out their activities profitably.The factors include higher reliability, lower prices, more flexibility and quality service levels for the customers.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Interaction Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Interaction Theories - Essay Example Over the past few weeks, there has been some distance between the two, which Jade translated as diminishing interest and ignorance, not knowing that Mason was under job stress and pressure. One night over a phone conversation between the two, Mason was more silent and seemed disinterested in the conversation. This upset Jade, who quickly ended the conversation and sent him a text expressing her feelings. Mason’s reply was that since they were in a long distance relationship, they had little to talk about and that she was blowing his reasons for silence out of proportion. After several exchanges and arguments, the couple finally realized that they both lead busy lives, but they must ensure that they put positive efforts for their relationship to work. The argument was also a revelation for Mason. It presented Jade as a sensitive person who needs constant attention. She also holds her emotions within her when she gets upset. Eventually, the couple came to a mutual agreement. Mas on now understood her better and apologized to her. Application Evolutionary psychology is a biological approach that seeks to explain human behavior and interaction with other humans. The emphasis of the theory in human relations includes parenting, interactions within relatives and families, and interactions with unrelated people. According to this theory, most of the human behavior is explainable by internal psychological mechanisms (Chadee, 2011). In essence, this theory attributes human behaviors to adaption and psychological mechanisms, which are responses to particular contingencies in their environment, and their selection depends on their contribution to survival and reproduction. Jade’s father left at a very tender age. She therefore developed psychological mechanisms that made her sensitive, seeking attention for that fatherly love. This explains her past relationship problems, and the recent one with Mason. Her ideal romantic partner is one who cares and listens t o her. Luckily, Mason now understands her. Attachment theory explains the dynamics and principles of long-term relationships between people. The theory has an extension of adult romantic relations by Philip Shaver and Cindy Hazan. The attachment theory explains four styles of attachments in adults: anxious-preoccupied, secure, fearful-avoidant, and dismissive-avoidance (Chadee, 2011). Securely attached adults have positive views of themselves, their relationships, and their partners. They are comfortable with independence and intimacy. In the dismissive-avoidant group, adults seek independence, avoiding attachment completely. They consider themselves invulnerable to feelings and self-sufficient. They suppress their feelings and distance themselves when rejected. With fearful-avoidant adults, there is mixed feelings and reactions on emotional closeness. They desire the closeness, and at the same time feel uncomfortable. They consider themselves unworthy and mistrust their partners. A nxious-preoccupied individuals need approval, responsiveness, and high levels of intimacy. As a result, they become overly dependent on their partners (Chadee, 2011). These adults have less positive views of themselves and their relationship, are less trusting, and display high levels of impulsiveness, worry, and emotional expressiveness. Jade fits well in the anxious-preoccupied style of attachment. This is evident from her emotional

Friday, August 23, 2019

Fukushima Nuclear power in Japan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fukushima Nuclear power in Japan - Essay Example The Japan government decided to close all nuclear power plant projects in Japan so as to prevent repetitions like that of Fukushima in future (Straight). Japan managed to get an alternative source of energy to supply the needs of the country through buying of liquefied natural gas from Russia. Following the nuclear disaster, many people working in the reactor plus the surrounding environ got exposed. In addition, the environment around the reactor also got contaminated posing considerable risk. In regard to human exposure, a number of children living in the environs of Fukushima became recently discovered to be developing abnormal thyroid lumps (Straight). Exposure to radiation posed a risk of development of poor health outcomes in the given population. The government of Japan in trying to come with the solution to that given problem, food stuffs like exported rice from that region got scrutinized for radiation exposure levels so as to limit the spread of radioactive contaminants to other countries (Straight). Also, faced with the problem of human exposure, the government somehow managed to have evacuation and resettlement plans in action. With the environ around the Fukushima becoming unsafe due to the high radiation levels, the Japan government opted to resettle individuals that lived around the reactor in another place fit for human settlement. In addition, some of the workforce that worked in the Fukushima nuclear reactor, became not allowed to work in other nuclear reactors following having radiation levels higher than required. Such a means by the government ought to protect humans from overexposure from radiation (Straight). After the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the problem of controlling leakage of radiation emanated. Environmental leakage could only be minimized through proper destruction of the nuclear station plus proper disposal of the radioactive substances. The wrecked

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Optimal Experiences, Temporality and Participation Assignment

Optimal Experiences, Temporality and Participation - Assignment Example From this paper it is clear that according to definition of the concept, it actually may be regarded as the most rewarding of all values, and thus the most important one. In my opinion, this is an ideal representation of flow that is hard to be reached on practice due to different limitation and obstacles like failure to understand what the client wants, clarity of final goal, main value prioritized by the clients in favor of other, extrinsic features, etc. Also, I would like to know what others think about relevance of helping the latter category of clients finding the occupations they enjoy more than others instead of seeking for jobs with high level of compensation and other material benefits. It is probably often not worthy of efforts since the person, even seeking more enjoyable occupation, would fail in reaching the flow due to the more complicated nature of enjoyment that is of combined nature.This essay discusses that  while there are people who know exactly what they are l ooking for and what activity brings them joy, there are also people who are not sure. This may be due to them still searching for their area of interest, as well as the possibility that some people like changing occupations, and this is their ‘flow’ of some kind. While such clients do not fit in the elaborated scheme, yet helping them is as necessary as helping others, this question necessitates further research and discussion.  

Caledonia Products Integrative Problem Essay Example for Free

Caledonia Products Integrative Problem Essay The following observation will describe the decisions made by a financial analyst who is working for the capital budget department at Caledonia Products. The organization has asked Team B to evaluate the potential risk involved in an upcoming transaction and identify several options in how to proceed. Because this is the team’s first assignments dealing with risk analyzes the team has been ask to further explain the details. The organization analysis will focus on free cash flows, projection of cash flows, projects initial outlay, cash flow diagram, net present value, internal rate of return, and if the project should be accepted. Why focus on project free cash flows Team B believes that Caledonia should focus on the project’s free cash flows and not the accounting profits. Evidence exists that the accounting profits will be earned by the project because there is a positive cash flow to the shareholders. With any investment there is the expectation that there will be an increase to the firm’s cash flow. Free cash flow is the total cash available to creditors who have invested their monies to finance the project. Accounting profits includes costs such as depreciation, interest, and taxes to run a business therefore it should not affect free cash flows. The project free cash flows range from year zero to year five and illustrate how much Caledonia Products will benefit if they choose to take on this project. Projection of project in years one through five There is annual working capital requirement of $100,000 to initiate the project. The incremental cash flows for the project in years one through five shows increase. For each year, the total investment in net working capital will be equal to 10% of the dollar value of sales for that year. In year one free cash flow is $2,100,000 in year two $3,600,000, which means fist year increase of $1,500,000, and it is about 53% increase. In year two 23% increase and year three to four decreases of 28%, and in year five free cash flow is $1,560,000, which means 43% decrease. Year-1:$2,100,000 Year-2:$3,600,000 Year-3:$4,200,000 Year-4:$2,400,000 Year-5:$1,560,000 Initial outlay This project’s initial outlay includes the necessary capital needed to purchase fixed assets and ensure they are in operating order to start the project. Cost of new plant and equipment: 7,900,000 Shipping and installation cost: 100,000 Initial working capital required to start the production: 100,000 8,100,000 The initial outlay for this project is $8,100,000 Cash flow diagram $3,956,000$8,416,000$10,900,000$8,548,000$5,980,400 ($8,100,000) Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return Unit Price x units sold 1:$21,000 2:$36,000 3:$42,000 4:$24,000 5:$15,600 Therefore, NPV = $94,575.83 NPV Values for Years 1: $18,260.90 2: $27,221.17 3: $27,615.68 4: $13,722.40 5: $7,755.98 The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) = 12.61% Project Conclusion Deciding on whether to follow through with a project is done by evaluating either the internal rate of return or net present value. According to Investopedia, â€Å"All other things being equal, using internal rate of return (IRR) and net present value (NPV) measurements to evaluate projects often results in the same findings† (Investopedia, 2013). If comparing one project to another, the one with the higher rate or return would be the more favorable one. In this instance several projects were not compared, and the IRR is below the current discount rate, which makes the project not feasible. The problem with IRR, however, is that it does not take into account changing discount rates. As market conditions and other factors change, so does the IRR. Net Present Value (NPV) on the other hand, takes changing rates into account and is a calculated using very complex formula taking many factors into account for each stage of the project. If the Net Present Value is calculated to be above zero, or positive, it is considered to be feasible, and the project should be accepted. Our calculations show the NPV in each year to be positive and believe that the project in this case should indeed be accepted. References: Investopedia US, A Division of ValueClick, Inc. . (2013). Internal Rate Of Return IRR. Retrieved from

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Introduction Of Cyber Ethics Information Technology Essay

Introduction Of Cyber Ethics Information Technology Essay The extensive availability of computers and Internet connections provides unprecedented opportunities to communicate and learn. Unfortunately the most people use the internet as a powerful and useful tool for communication and education, some individuals use the power of the internet for criminal or terrorist purposes. It is minimize the harm that such individuals do by learning ourselves, and training young people, how to use the Internet safely and responsibly. The word cyber ethics refers to a code of safe and responsible behavior for the Internet community. Practicing good cyber ethics involves understanding the risks of harmful and illegal behavior online and learn how to protect ourselves, and other Internet users, from such behavior. It also involves teaching young people that may not realize the possible for harm to themselves and others, that use the Internet safely and responsibly. For example at an near the beginning age, children learn what it means to be honest, and to r espect the rights and property of others. They are trained to not take what does not belong to them, and to be understanding of others. On the internet that is same basic rules apply to person. The information and relations below offer guidance and property for parents and educators and for young people so that they can develop good cyber ethics, and to get the most out of the exciting new world of the internet.  ¿Ã‚ ½ School work use the internet to help you do your school work. The internet is the worlds biggest library. User can find information on about any subject from science, math and technology to language, art, history and more. When use information photos and other materials that you find on the internet in homework or research projects, make sure that user identify the sources of the information in foot notes, just as user would if used books in school library to get the information. Dont copy information from the internet and call it your own. It is sometimes tempting to copy information from the internet into your schoolwork, and toward present it as your own work. That is dishonest, just like taking somebody elses jacket and calling it your own and it might be illegal too. Much of the information like pictures and other materials on the internet are copy righted which means that is belongs to someone else. If users take it without permission, or without identifying the source in a foot note that user are breaking the law.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Music, video, games and copyrights use the internet to study about music, video and games. There are many websites that user can find out about music by listening to sample tracks, sample movie videos, and be trained about new computer games. Dont use the internet to download or share copyrighted material. When something is copyrighted, it means that someone else owns it, and user cannot copy or share out it without their permission. It is dishonest and illegal to download copyright music, video, games or other materials. It is also dishonest and illegal to share copyrighted music, video, games or other materials over the internet.  ¿Ã‚ ½ Email and instant messaging use the internet to communicate with friends and family. Email and instant messaging (IM) are good, enjoyable ways to communicate with your friends and your family. For all time make sure that recognize the people with whom exchange email and IM. Dont use the internet to communicate with the strangers. Do not use email or IM to talk to strangers. They might not be who they say they are, and if they are not, they are not nice people. Dont present out your email or IM address to people you dont know either online or in person. Dont open email or email attachments from people dont know. unwanted email may contain viruses that will damage your computer and the information on it. Dont make up to be someone else. Just as you dont want others to cover their true identity with they email or IM dont imagine to be someone else when user online. Dont be rude or use bad language when use email or IM, be thoughtful of others. Dont be rude, mean or use bad language wouldnt do that in real life, and you shouldnt do it on the internet also. Dont give anybody personal information or passwords. Dont tell people, especially strangers, more about them self than user would if met them in person. Dont tell them that seem like, user age, where user live, user phone number, the school of user goes to, or any passwords that protect user computer or user private information.  ¿Ã‚ ½ For Parents Dont leave children to unverified people. Make confident that user know what sites children visit when theyre on the internet, and with whom theyre communicating on the internet. Look over their shoulder. Stay track of the websites they visit. There are websites and programs available that direct children to sites that are fun, interesting and appropriate and there are others that limit their browsing to suitable websites. The best control though is parental involvement. Make confident they understand acceptable behavior on the internet and make confident that they follow the rules. Do encourage the children to use the internet. The internet has lots good things to offer children. When used cleverly it is a great tool for information assembly and education and, via email and instant messaging, for practicing written communication. BACKGROUND RESEARCH WHAT IS CYBER ETHICS Cyber ethics is different from cyber law. Laws are formal written information that applies to every person, interpreted by judicial system, and forced by the police. Ethics is an open rational concept that goes away from simple right and wrong, and look toward the good life. Cyber ethics refers to the rules of responsible behavior on the internet. Responsibly in everyday life, with lessons for example don ¿Ã‚ ½t take what doesn ¿Ã‚ ½t belong to you and do not hurt others. The responsible of user is: 1. Don ¿Ã‚ ½t use rude or hateful language. 2. Don ¿Ã‚ ½t be a bully on the Internet. Do not call people names, lie about them, send uncomfortable pictures of them, or do anything else to try to hurt them. 3. Do not copy information from the Internet and maintain it as yours. That is called plagiarism. 4. Stay to copyright limits when downloading material including software, games, movies, or music from the Internet 5. Don ¿Ã‚ ½t break into someone else ¿Ã‚ ½s computer 6. Don ¿Ã‚ ½t use someone else ¿Ã‚ ½s password. 7. Don ¿Ã‚ ½t challenge to infect or in any way try to make someone else ¿Ã‚ ½s computer unusable. THE TEN COMMANDMENTS OF CYBER ETHICS 1. Thou shall not use a computer to hurt other people. 2. Thou shall not interfere with other peoples computer work. 3. Thou shall not spy around in other peoples computer files. 4. Thou shall not use a computer to steal. 5. Thou shall not use a computer to allow false witness. 6. Thou shall not copy or use proprietary software for which you have not paid. 7. Thou shall not use other peoples computer resources without authorization or proper compensation. 8. Thou shall not appropriate other peoples intellectual production. 9. Thou shall think about the social consequences of the program you are writing or the system you are designing. 10) Thou shall always use a computer in ways that make sure kindness and respect for fellow humans. THE TERM OF CYBER ETHICS Cyber ethics is the moral, legal, and social issues relating to cyber technology. It examines the impact that cyber technology has for social, legal, and moral systems. It also evaluates the social policies and laws that have been framed in reply to issues generated by the development and use of cyber technology. There is a joint relationship here. Cyber ethics is a more perfect label than computer ethics, which may suggest the study of ethical issues incomplete to computing machines, or to computing professionals. It is more perfect than internet ethics which are limited only to ethical issues have an effect on computer networks. APPLIED CYBER ETHICS HAVE 3 DIFFERENT 1. Professional Ethics 2. Philosophical Ethics 3. Descriptive Ethics The first different is Professional Ethics is cyber ethics is the field that identifies and analyzes issues of ethical responsibility for the computer professionals. Think about a computer professionals responsibility in designing, developing, and maintaining computer hardware and software systems. Assume a programmer discovers that a software creation that has been working on is about to be released for sale to the public even though it is imperfect because it contains buggy software. The second is cyber ethics is a field of philosophical responsibility in designing, developing, and maintaining computer hardware and software systems. The analysis of the nature and social impact of computer technology and the corresponding formulation and justification of policies for the ethical use of the such technology. Philosophical ethics have three stages first is identify a particular controversial carry out as a moral problem. Second stage Describe and analyze the problem by clarifying conce pts in addition to investigative the factual data associated with that problem. The third stage is apply moral theories and values to reach a position about the particular moral issue. The third different is a field of descriptive ethics that the professional and accepting perspectives both illustrate normative investigation into practical ethics issues. Normative analysis or studies are contrasted with expressive studies. Descriptive investigations statement about what is the case normative investigation evaluates situations from the vantage-point of the question.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Contributions of Charles Darwin to Science

Contributions of Charles Darwin to Science Title: The contribution to science by a scientist of your choice. 3000 words This paper discusses the contribution to science made by the English scientist Charles Darwin, (1809-1882), author of The Origin of Species (1859), the originator of the Theory of Natural Selection or Evolution. It examines the manner in which the work of Darwin could be related into the existing science curriculum, considering his work as an exemplar of the scientific method. It also sets out to relate the scientific discoveries and principles involved to other aspects of the school curriculum, especially in the area of citizenship. The contentious nature of Darwin’s ‘discovery’ in his own time illustrates the fact that there is a common interest in the discipline: we are, in a sense, stakeholders in scientific facts and methods, since they help to determine the shape of our daily lives. As the House of Lords points out, ‘.this is not confined to scientists; it extends to those who make policy, whether public or commercial, on the basis of scientific opport unities and advice. Policy-makers will find it hard to win public support.on any issue with a science component, unless the publics attitudes and values are recognised, respected and weighed in the balance along with the scientific and other factors.’ (House of Lords, 2000, para 2.66). Despite its age, Darwin’s theory continues to be debated, and can inform us about the importance of observational skills and scientific integrity. It also provides precedents for the way science and society interact, which may be useful in our society. As the Royal Society observes, ‘It is thus not trust in science per se which is of concern but the speed of scientific and technological development, the uses to which science is put, and the ability of regulatory and institutional structures to keep pace with this change.’ (Royal Society, 2004, p.13). Darwin’s work brought him notoriety, but also controversy and personal vitriol. (See illustrations). This is where the link between science and citizenship can be made. How does this contribution map to the science curriculum? As a 2002 Report by House of Lords acknowledges, ‘The foundations of an interest in science are laid at primary school, between the ages of 5 and 11.’ (House of Lords, para. 6.3) The principle benefit which could be obtained through the work of Darwin is a general accessibility, which would itself enable learners to engage with the curriculum. As Meadows points out, ‘Much of cognition and learning depends on identifying the relevant knowledge that the learner already has in existing memory so that this knowledge can be used as a starting point for learning what is new. Having no starting point†¦will hamper learning and reasoning†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Meadows, 2006: p.112). A variety of authorities and analysts have noted there that are continuing conceptual problems in the way learners, and the wider community engage with science. These are attributable to a variety of factors. Qualitative (i.e. phenomenological) research commissioned jointly by the DTI and the Well come Trust revealed public support for the idea that ‘Science makes our lives change too fast.’ (Wellcome Trust, 2000, p.23) Beyond this apparently simple picture there lay a more complex picture, with differentiated levels of understanding and interest claimed for different areas of science. Environmental concerns, health issues and medial discoveries held the greatest interest for 82-91 per cent of respondents, whilst new technology was considered more interesting by 74 per cent. Only 48 per cent of those questioned claimed that energy issues were the most significant for them. (Wellcome Trust 2000: p.21) The same research also discovered that it was possible to categorise respondents into different groups, determined by their interest in science, and the degree of trust they felt in science and scientists. Correspondingly, subjects characterised themselves as ‘confident believers’ at the end of the continuum most engaged with science, to ‘supporter s’ half way along the scale, right down to those who stated that science was ‘not for them’. (Wellcome 2000: pp.5-7) Correspondingly, there are several overlapping benefits which could be obtained through an expanded use of Darwin’s work. Firstly, an enhanced understanding of scientific method, secondly, an improved awareness of the operation of natural laws, and thirdly, the means by which research results are validated, interpreted and shared. The benefits of this could start to be felt even at the Primary phase, as Peacock argue, ‘Primary science is perhaps best regarded†¦as an intellectual, practical, creative and social endeavour which seeks to help children to better understand and make sense of the world in which they live†¦(and)†¦should involve children in thinking and working in particular ways in the pursuit of reliable knowledge.’ ( Peacock et al., 2007: p.1). It is in this way that a rigorous interpretation of the general principles established by Darwin might be very beneficial, in overturning and challenging pre-conceived ideas about identity and value, such as those often attributed to the so-called ‘hidden curriculum.’ As Bishop and Simpson point out, ‘The pressures of the hidden curriculum are also present with regard to structure. The children themselves can be very forceful in structuring science activities with preconceived social frameworks.’ (Bishop and Simpson, 1995: p.7). In thematic terms, Darwin’s work is thoroughly supportive of the Knowledge, Skills and Understanding element of the science curriculum, i.e. , Ideas and evidence in Science, Investigative Skills, and subsidiary disciplines such as planning and presenting evidence. By the time students reach Key Stage 3, these skills are being further developed under the headings of Practical and Enquiry Skills, Critical Understanding of Evidence, and Communication. In practical terms, principles developed from Darwin’s theory could be incorporated into the science curriculum as early as unit 1A, Ourselves, and then continued on through key Stage 2 in Life Processes and Living Things. Within the latter, it would be important to focus on sub-unit 4, Variation and Classification, and 5, Living Things in Their Environment, noting how living organisms vary and change according to their context. This theme could be carried on developmentally in the context of Key Stage Three, which incorporat es two highly relevant modules, Organisms, Behaviour and Health, and The Environment, Earth and Universe. Moving away from the formal curriculum, Darwin’s theory could help by developing the foundations of causal reasoning and also problem solving, contributing to a general improvement in science standards overall, across all units of study. How does the work of the scientist demonstrate the scientific method, or is it a counter example? From an educational and scientific perspective, Darwin’s work is interesting because it is based extensively on observation and deduction, rather than extensive or repeatable physical experimentation. Because of the enormous timescales involved in the evolutionary processes which preoccupied Darwin, it is in effect, impossible to prove, in absolute terms, whether the theory is correct or not. The theory still has its detractors, and direct opponents, who object to it on ideological or theological grounds. Despite this however, it has become a generally accepted scientific principle. Darwin’s work is therefore, in one sense, the purest expression of the scientific method, especially since it was formulated in a vacuum of worthwhile antecedents, and an atmosphere of considerable ideological opposition. The only possible way in which his work might be deemed a ‘counter example’ is the manner in which it ran directly contrary to much mainstream scientific think ing amongst his contemporaries. However, it definitely was a discovery made because of – rather than in spite of – scientific method. Essentially, what Darwin did was to propose an interpretation of events, extrapolated from a vast amount of biological and geological evidence: he then formulated a specific interpretation of causality which, in his analysis, had only one possible scientific outcome. It is this kind of observational model, based on causality, which can tap into the learner’s innate cognitive ability, even from the youngest age. As Meadows observes of children’s interpretative perception, ‘†¦By the beginning of school years, it follows basic causal principles, for example that causes precede effects rather than following effects, that they covary with their effects – the effect regularly and predictably appears after the cause and does not appear without it, and the cause and effect are close, or at least linked, in time and space.’. (Meadows, 2006: p.109) How can the work being discussed be used to address citizenship issues in schools? As Rose and Rose indicate, it has always been possible to take the view that, ‘science appears to advance in a more or less ordered manner, irrespective of the prevailing social environment in which it is performed.’ (Rose and Rose, 1970, p.241) The power of Darwin’s work lays in its ability to bridge the gap between science and the community, and it is here that his relevance to issues of citizenship may be found. Darwin’s contribution to science as mirrored to a great extent by the way his work reinforced other areas of academic, philosophical and social study: all of this makes it directly relevant to citizenship issues. As Wallace points out, ‘A reading of the Origin†¦make it difficult to assert that Darwin’s mind was ‘devoid’ of economic and philosophy. A more sustainable conclusion is that it was permeated by principles of political economy and philosophy in the form of a language which did not differentiate between the political and the biological.’ (Wallace 1995: p.11) In other words, Darwin’s work was implicitly bound up with the values of his host society: it is this which makes it an ideal link between science and citizenship. The only contrast is that we move from a Victorian context, to a present day one. This, it may be argued, has potential benefits for science, education, and society alike. As the Royal Society concluded with regard to the current science curriculum, ‘many students lacked enthusiasm for. the subject, and felt frustrated by a content-heavy curriculum which gave them little room to explore controversial and ethical issues that might interest them.’ (Royal Society, 2004, p.21 ) Darwin’s work, it may be argued, is perfectly adapted to facilitate the latter: it is not remote, or obscure, and on certain levels it is highly accessible. The links between science and citizenship manifest themselves in various ways. Firstly, there is the whole issue of public understanding of, and trust in science. As Meadows points out, ‘†¦understanding cause builds up into what has been called a ‘naà ¯ve physics’, a coherent set of notions about how objects behave; if this gives rise to the formation and testing of hypotheses by observation and experiment, it becomes the basis for a physics which is scientific rather than naà ¯ve.’ (Meadows, 2006: p.109). Darwin’s work teaches us that it is not only the observation of a phenomena, but the cultural capacity to assimilate its meaning, which is important. Scientific matters are not the discrete concern of the scientific community itself, but spill over into the political sphere and eventually concern us all. This is especially true when ethical issues become involved, as they increasingly tend to do in the biological and life-sciences, affecting everything from the air we breathe, the food we eat, the health treatment we can expect, and even the degree of control we might have in determining the health, gender, and character of our children. The important point here is that attitudes vary, from a profound mistrust, to an almost myopic faith in science. As the House of Lords observed, neither position is entirely valid, a situation it attributes sqaurely to schools. ‘In common parlance, scientific is almost synonymous with certain. This perception, which is probably picked up at school, is virtually true of much old and well-established scientific knowledge. In many of the areas of current concern, from climate change to cancer, it is however very wide of the mark.’ (House of Lords, 2000, para. 4.1) It is not the fallibility of science which is useful from a citizenship point of view, but rather the necessity of maintaining an open mind and capacity for objective debate. It is also important to remember that we all share a collective responsibility for the way that society is conducted, and the manner in which scientific affair are run on our behalf. Again, this is not a remote or academic debate, and at its most intense, can demonstrate the relevance of scientific method in our everyday lives. As the Royal Society points out, contemporary crises such as that created by BSE illustrates this. ‘ BSE highlighted profound concerns about the science advice process and the role of scientists and government officials, the effectiveness policy making and action within departments such as the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, the ability of Ministers to both gauge and communicate risk effectively, and fundamentally the relationship between science and politics.’ (Royal Society, 2004, p.17) If we take the Key Stage Three Citizenship curriculum as an example, the continued relevance of Darwin’s ideas becomes apparent. In the sphere of political, legal and human rights, we must take account of the DFES guidance that every child is A unique child.every child is a competent learner from birth who can be resilient, capable, confident and self assured. (DFES, 2007: p.5). The essence of Darwin’s thought is that all people are descended from the same ultimate source, and therefore equality before the law, and of political rights, is a prerequisite of an equitable society and civil polity. This in turn leads into the principles of democracy and the idea everyone should have a voice in determining the legislative conduct of government. The importance of maintaining freedom of speech and allowing a diversity of views are also essential to the principles of citizenship as enshrined in the curriculum. It is important to remember that, without these facilities, Darwin’s scientific ideas might never have received public attention. In Section 2, Key Processes, the KS3 Citizenship curriculum requires that learners ‘†¦engage with and reflect on different ideas, opinions, beliefs and values when exploring topical and controversial issues and problems.’ (QCA 2007: p.30). Darwin knew that publishing his ideas about evolution in Victorian society would draw fierce opposition from many quarters, because of its dissonance with biblical teachings about the Creation. This opposition was likely to be immovable and resistant to logic: As Hull points out, those ‘†¦who rejected evolutionary theory primarily for theological reasons†¦would not have been able to accept it even if all the evidence had been overwhelmingly in its favour – which it was not.’ (Hull 1974: p.450). Similarly, his right to debate his theories with opponents and critics fo rmed an important part of the way in which he fundamentally changed attitudes, way beyond the purely scientific sphere. As Darwin himself wrote of one of his counter-theorists, ‘He will be dead against me, as you prophesied†¦but he is generously civil to me personally. On his standard of proof, natural science would never progress, for without the making of theories I am convinced there would be no observation.’ (Hull 1974: p.229). As can be seen from this, it should be possible, in a tolerant and progressive society, to express and discuss opposed views in a reasonable way: the freedom to do this, and determination to protect such freedoms, are important tenets of contemporary citizenship. As the Key Stage Three citizenship curriculum puts it, responsible citizens should be able to ‘†¦communicate an argument, taking account of different viewpoints and drawing on what they have learnt through research, action and debate†¦justify their argument, givi ng reasons to try to persuade others to think again, change or support them.’ (QCA 2007: p.30). In contemporary UK society, responsible citizenship also requires us to understand diversity of cultures and identities, and that movement of people, either temporarily or permanently, is an intrinsic feature of our society and economy. This is fully reflected in the citizenship curriculum, which states that learners should recognise †¦the hanging nature of UK society, including the diversity of ideas, beliefs, cultures, identities, traditions, perspectives and values that are shared.’ (QCA 2007: p.33) Darwin’s theory of natural selection is supportive of such perspectives in a variety of ways. By teaching us that we all have common origins, his thinking undermines any ideas of intrinsic racial difference, or any barriers erected around such ideas. Since we all developed from the same biological source, there can be no justification for valuing any individual differently: in other words, concepts of ‘biological determinism’ are invalidated. Moreover, a ny attempt to do so can, by Darwin’s teaching, at once be revealed as arbitrary, subjective and unscientific. There are obvious cross-curricular links to be made here, both historically and in terms of contemporary societies, where such conditions still endure. Children are natural observers of the phenomenon around them, and Darwin’s ideas are profoundly supportive of this. Meadows points out that children ‘†¦appear to draw inferences about the causes of events they see, to discriminate between self-caused and other-caused movement, to categorize living things that are agents as different from inanimate objects.’ (Meadows, 2006: p.109). Being citizens also accrues us the responsibility to change things for the better: correspondingly, although we have rights in society, we have a duty to ensure that such rights are exercised responsibly, without impinging on the rights of others. Darwin’s theory also taught us that we are, as social actors, en tirely interdependent upon each other. Bibliography Amigon, D., and Wallace, J., (1995), Charles Darwin’s the Origin of Species: new Interdisciplinary essays. : Manchester University Press, Manchester. Anderson, R.D., (1992), Universities and Elites in Britain since 1800, MacMillan, Basingstoke. Bishop, A., and Simpson, R., (1995), Strategies for Structured Play in Science in the Nursery’, Primary Teaching Studies, Autumn, Vol.9, No.3, pp.5-8. Burgess, R.G., (1989), The Ethics of Educational Research, Falmer Press, Lewes. The Children’s Plan: Building Brighter Futures, (2007), Department for Children, Schools and Families. HMSO, London. DeFalco, J., ‘Trade-Offs, Risks and Regulations in Science and Technology: Implications for STS Education.’, in Kamur, D.D., and Chubin, D.E., (eds), (2000), Science, Technologyand Society: A Sourcebook on Research and Practice, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York. DFES, (2007), Practice Guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage: Setting the Standards for Learning, Development and Care for Children from Birth to Five, HMSO, London. House of Lords, (2000) ScienceandTechnology, 3rd Report, downloaded from Hull, D.L., (1974), Darwin and his Critics, Harvard University Press, Mass. Kamur, D.D., and Chubin, D.E., (eds), (2000), Science, Technologyand Society: A Sourcebook on Research and Practice, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York. Lenton and McNeil, (1991), ‘Primary school teachers understanding of the biological concepts in the National Curriculum’ Primary Teaching Studies, Oct., Vol.6, No.2, pp.196-203. Mackenzie, D., and Wacjman,J., (eds), (1994), The Social Shaping of Technology: How the Refrigerator got its Hum, Open University Press, Milton Keynes. Mauther, M., Birch, M., Jessop, J., and Miller, T., (2002), Ethics in Qualitative Research, London, Sage. Meadows, S., (2006), The Child as Thinker: The Development and Acquisition of Cognition in Childhood, Routledge, London. Pursell, C., (1994), White Heat, BBC Books, London. QCA, (2007), Citizenship: Programme of Study for Key Stage 3 and Attainment Target, QCA. Rose, H., and Rose, S., (1970), Science and Society, Penguin, Harmandsworth. The Royal Society, (2004) Excellence in Science: Science in Society, London. Rose, H., and Rose, S., (1970), Science and Society, Penguin, Harmandsworth. Scruton, R., (1982), A Dictionary of Political Thought, MacMillan, London. Science and the Public: A Review of Science Communication and Public Attitudes to Science in Britain, A Joint Report by the Office of Science and Technology and the Wellcome Trust, (2000), HMSO, London. Wakeford, T., and Walters, M., (eds) (1995) Science for the Earth: Can Science Make the World a Better Place? John Wiley and Sons,Chichester. Wallace, J., (1995) ‘Introduction: difficulty and defamiliarisation-language and process in the Origin of Species’, in Amigon, D., and Wallace, J., (1995), Charles Darwin’s the Origin of Species: new Interdisciplinary essays. : Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp.1-46. Winner, L., ‘Do Artefacts Have Politics’, in Mackenzie, D., and Wacjman,J., (eds), (1994), The Social Shaping of Technology: How the Refrigerator got its Hum, Open University Press, Milton Keynes.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Rationale of Suicide in Bartleby Essay -- Bartleby Scrivener Essay

The Rationale of Suicide in Bartleby        Ã‚   One of the most strikingly confusing details of Herman Melville's "Bartleby" is the repetitive use of the specific form of his refusals; he "prefers" not to comply with his employer's demands. Bartleby never argues for his convictions, rather he refuses on the grounds of his preference. Such a vast repetition, along with its inherent perplexity, leads me to believe that the actual wording is symbolic in nature.         Ã‚  Ã‚  When someone is asked for his/her preferences, the question is directed to the individual's inner motives and desires. Any question addressed as a preference question, usually grants the consideration of the innermost inclinations. The lawyer never asked Bartleby whether he would like to comply or not, yet the latter keeps answering with the same term of preference; a choice of word that comes to show that Bartleby does not regard the demands laid upon him as intrinsically valid, he rather questions them in light of his inclinations and answers accordingly.      Ã‚  Ã‚   The lawyer, on the other hand, does view his demands as intrinsically valid. The lawyer represents society with all its requirements and demands. Society expects us to work for our living under the terms and conditions that it sets, but what if we choose not to? *   The lawyer does not make much of Bartleby's choice of words, he does not recognize the real problem; namely, Bartleby is neither interested, nor subjected to the rules of society      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Bartleby's state is further clarified by the symbolic use of the walls and the dead letter office described in the epilogue. First, throughout the story he is depicted time and again as facing and staring at a wall. Staring at a wall can mean ...  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚           Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As much as we all strive to "see the full half of the glass," for some people the half is either empty, or not full enough. While those of us that have an incentive for life cannot understand how it can elude anyone else (in the way the Lawyer could not understand Bartleby), each reason to get out of bed every morning is unique and personal. Apparently not everyone has a reason, and the mere loss of a reason is a short step away from the loss of life.  Ã‚  Ã‚         * The assumption made by the lawyer, and for that matter, by society, that its values and demands are intrinsically a priori valid, are a matter for another interesting research, yet it diverges too much from our point.    Work Cited: Melville, Herman. "Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Story of Wall-street." 1853. 30 Oct. 2000. The Rationale of Suicide in Bartleby Essay -- Bartleby Scrivener Essay The Rationale of Suicide in Bartleby        Ã‚   One of the most strikingly confusing details of Herman Melville's "Bartleby" is the repetitive use of the specific form of his refusals; he "prefers" not to comply with his employer's demands. Bartleby never argues for his convictions, rather he refuses on the grounds of his preference. Such a vast repetition, along with its inherent perplexity, leads me to believe that the actual wording is symbolic in nature.         Ã‚  Ã‚  When someone is asked for his/her preferences, the question is directed to the individual's inner motives and desires. Any question addressed as a preference question, usually grants the consideration of the innermost inclinations. The lawyer never asked Bartleby whether he would like to comply or not, yet the latter keeps answering with the same term of preference; a choice of word that comes to show that Bartleby does not regard the demands laid upon him as intrinsically valid, he rather questions them in light of his inclinations and answers accordingly.      Ã‚  Ã‚   The lawyer, on the other hand, does view his demands as intrinsically valid. The lawyer represents society with all its requirements and demands. Society expects us to work for our living under the terms and conditions that it sets, but what if we choose not to? *   The lawyer does not make much of Bartleby's choice of words, he does not recognize the real problem; namely, Bartleby is neither interested, nor subjected to the rules of society      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Bartleby's state is further clarified by the symbolic use of the walls and the dead letter office described in the epilogue. First, throughout the story he is depicted time and again as facing and staring at a wall. Staring at a wall can mean ...  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚           Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As much as we all strive to "see the full half of the glass," for some people the half is either empty, or not full enough. While those of us that have an incentive for life cannot understand how it can elude anyone else (in the way the Lawyer could not understand Bartleby), each reason to get out of bed every morning is unique and personal. Apparently not everyone has a reason, and the mere loss of a reason is a short step away from the loss of life.  Ã‚  Ã‚         * The assumption made by the lawyer, and for that matter, by society, that its values and demands are intrinsically a priori valid, are a matter for another interesting research, yet it diverges too much from our point.    Work Cited: Melville, Herman. "Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Story of Wall-street." 1853. 30 Oct. 2000.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Physics of Superconductors Essay -- physics superconductor

As most people know (or don't know, whichever is the case) the component of an electrical circuit that causes energy loss is called "resistance," which can be defined as a materials opposition to current being passed through it. Usually, this resistance results in the production of heat, sound, or another form of energy. In many cases, this transformation of energy is useful in such applications as toasters, heaters, and light bulbs. Even though it is a useful property, resistance often gets in the way of performance in such cases as high voltage transmission wires, electric motor output, and other cases where internal system energy losses are unwanted. This is where the phenomenon of superconducting materials comes into play and may present the solution to this energy loss problem. Superconductors are materials that display zero resistance under certain conditions. These conditions are called the "critical temperature" and "critical field," denoted Tc and Hc respectively. The Tc is the highest temperature state the material can attain and remain superconductive. The Hc is the highest magnetic field the material can be exposed to before reverting to its normal magnetic state. Within the substances currently known to superconduct, there is a divide between what has come to be called type I and type II superconductors. Type I are composed of pure substances, usually metals, and type II are composite compounds, usually some sort of ceramic. Additional differences between type I and type II exist, mainly that type II display superconducting qualities at much higher temperatures and can remain superconductive in the presence of much higher magnetic fields. While type I have Tc's that hover just a few degrees from absolute zero, t... ...e the track and is propelled by the magnetic forces caused by the induced currents. Another use of superconductors is in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, or MRI, in which the superconductor helps in creating a non-invasive method of looking at a persons brain activity. Yet another area where superconductors would be especially helpful is in the power and electronics industry where power losses arise from a systems internal resistance. If a power generator was constructed with superconducting components the efficiency of the motor would be greatly increased. The electronics industry would benefit from faster switching times, smaller components, and greater circuit efficiency. The world of superconductors is expanding at a tremendous rate. As the uses and possibilities for their use become more apparent, our society might see them more and more in everyday life.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Drivers of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Essay

Drivers of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Introduction                   Sustainability in all operations of a business is a contemporary issue that ensures firms gain competitive advantage. Supply chain management is a discipline dealing with the reorganization of a firm’s extra-supply activities to achieve a competitive edge in the market and take advantage of customer value. It is also concerned with the suppliers attempt to establish and effect supply chains which are both efficient and economical for them. An organization’s supply chain is a multidimensional activity covering most aspects ranging from manufacturing, to goods and services development, and the information systems.The drivers of a sustainable supply chain management can be either internal or external. Internal sustainability drivers include internal business processes while the external are legislation, environmental drivers, customers, and social drivers (Hanuv 35).                   Legal requirements compliance is a fundamental drive in achieving a sustainable supply chain management. It is the starting point because failure to comply to regulations implies that the business is illegal (Cohen 80). Regulatory issues include general environmental laws that may give direction to products disposal and recycling. Compliance to the law enhances the supply chain and hence making it sustainable.                   Financial drivers are also vital for a sustainable supply chain management. Sustainable supply chain management leads to efficiency and effectiveness in business operations that result to good financial performance. This is brought by reversed logistics that result to cost minimization and saving.                   Sustainability is also driven by internal business processes such as offering warrants, product leases, and replacements. These activities enhance effectiveness in production to minimize replacements and hence in the long run a business attains a sustainable supply chain.                   Customers are the most important stakeholders to any business and they greatly drive firms into adopting sustainable supply chain management (Hugos 56). The clients have large number of substitute goods at their disposal, which gives them the driving force to impact the operations a firm. As firms work to accumulate customer’s pressure such as buying from companies with green image, they end up attaining sustainable supply chain management. References Cohen, Shoshanah. â€Å"Contemporary Supply Chain Management.† Strategic Supply Chain Management: The Five Disciplines for Top Performance:2nd Revised Edition. New York: Mcgraw-hill Professional, 2013. 80-132. Print. Hanuv, Mann. Drivers of Sustainable Supply Chain Management. The IUP Journal of Operations Management. Vol. IX. No. 4(2010): 1-58 Hugos, Michael H. â€Å"Sustainability in Supply Chain Management.† Essentials of Supply Chain Management. 3rd ed. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, 2011. 56-124. Print. Source document

Buy Anyzone Gold Today Essay

Natural cleaning, Healthy living Air, water, residual agricultural chemicals (pesticides/herbicides) and unpleasant odours (food, bathroom, refrigerator, cigarette smoke and turbid indoor air odours all contribute to our daily toxic load. Most of the solutions developed by industry for ridding ourselves of these pollutants contain additional chemicals, which increase our exposure to potentially harmful chemicals. How Anyzone Gold helps: It’s for the whole family †¢ Disposes harmful bacteria in meat and fish †¢ Removes chemical residue, larva  and pesticides  from vegetables and fruits †¢ Gets rid of unpleasant odor from food Improves skin metabolism and reduces allergy †¢ Removes washing detergent residues and bacteria from household items and utensils †¢ Preserves freshness in food Sterilization and disinfection Germs such as E. coli, colon bacillus, Salmonella, vibrio staphylococcus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are sterilized and disinfected by str ong oxidation reaction. â€Å"Disinfects without using chemical washing or boiling. † Deodorization and air purification Effective in deodorizing refrigerator odours, food odours, indoor odours, bathroom odours and many more. Indoor air, cigarette odours and unpleasant odours are eliminated and turned into refreshing natural air. Air purification cigarette smoke test sight Before use 10 second 20 seconds Pillow Meat, fish, vegetable and fruits Residual agricultural chemical and harmful elements are decomposed through oxidation. Revives freshness and improves flavour. â€Å"Not a single tested pesticide has ever been proven safe. † Professor Dennis Parke, former Chairman of WHO Joint Meeting’s statement on pesticide residues. What is anion and ozone? Anions are electrons with negative electricity, also known as â€Å"vitamins in the air†. Oxygen anions have the capability to eliminate dust, germs and cigarette odours through purification. It is odorless, tasteless and invisible; we could only inhale it in abundance near waterfalls, mountains and oceans. It also helps in maximizing our brain activity. Ozone is composed of 3 oxygen atoms and has a distinctive and peculiar fish-like odour. It is a light blue gas and has strong oxidizing power, used for sterilizing beverages. It decomposes and destroys residual agricultural chemicals on vegetables and fruits through oxidization. It is also used for sterilization of kitchen and baby goods by filtering out harmful components, biological beings and foreign substances. Ozonated water is safe and effective for: †¢ Bathing pets †¢ Regenerating and removing bacteria and parasites form plants. Just water them and/or spray their leaves †¢ Cleaning fish tanks. Drop your ozone nozzle in the water and watch your tank clean itself! Fish are invigorated by ozone water †¢ Eliminating bacteria on kitchen surfaces †¢ Washing hair. Ozone water protects damaged hair, restoring its colour and manageability; PLUS, it is a great treatment for dandruff! Effective treatment for skin problems, including acne, rashes, eczema †¢ Sinus problems †¢ Leucorrhoea, vaginal thrush. Use the water as a douche. †¢ You can set the Anyzone to run while sleeping giving you that mountain/seaside fresh air in your room. Ozonated air is environmentally safe for: †¢ Disinfecting and â€Å"debugging† closets, and cupboards. †¢ Freshening, deodorizing and disinfecting bedding, linens, and clothing. Place linens in plastic bags with ozone nozzle for just a few minutes. It’s so simple! Company Profile †¦ Global Healthy Link Sdn Bhd with its main office in Petaling Jaya is currently actively involved in the distribution of Ozone/ Anion sterilization equipment, health-related products and water filtration system for both household and commercial use. One of our goals is to exceed the expectations of every customer we come in contact with by offering outstanding customer service, value-added functionalities and operational efficiency. GHLSB strives to provide environmental-friendly, safe, durable and reliable products to its valued customers and will not compromise on product and service quality. Our associates are distinguished by their functional and technical expertise combined with their hands-on experience, thereby ensuring that our customers receive the most effective and professional product recommendation and services. We pride ourselves on our proven track record of having hundreds of satisfied customers since the company started operation in 2004. Functions and Effectiveness of Anyzone Gold Anion Ozone Sterilizer Summary †¢ Removes chemical residue and pesticides on vegetables and fruits †¢ Disposes harmful bacteria in meat and fish †¢ Get rids of unpleasant odor from food Expunges parasites and larva on vegetables and fruits †¢ Ozonated water improves skin metabolism and reduces allergy †¢ Removes washing detergent residues and bacteria from household items and utensils †¢ Preserves freshness in food Sterilization †¢ Food – food are exposed to pathogens (illness causing bacteria) and harmful chemicals during the growing per iod and handling †¢ Kitchen sponges and rags – effective as a germicide/ fungicide to destroy germs, molds, bacteria and any microbes. Does not produce chemical residues during cleaning as in other cleaning agents †¢ Utensils and dishes – Salmonella, E. Coli and many pathogens can cause food poisoning, if not properly cleaned. Thus soaking the utensils and dishes in ozonated water can rid these pathogens. †¢ Pets accessories – Bacteria is common in the stool of pets, thus washing the accessories can rid these bacteria †¢ Children toys – If not cleaned and sterilized properly, can lead to illness and infections †¢ Baby’s Utensils – Babies are sensitive to illness, tooth decay and diarrhea if utensils are not properly cleaned especially bottle nipples and pacifiers. Soaking in ozonated water will help destroy bacteria †¢ Medical instruments – Economical way to sterilize equipment Purification †¢ Drinking water – 90% bottled water uses ozone for purification. The taste of Ozonated water is improved. †¢ Fish tanks/ aquariums – Ozone can destroy algae and bacteria in fish tank with no harmful effect on the fish. Within 20 minutes, ozone will change back to oxygen, due to the instability of the 3rd oxygen, thus increasing the level of dissolved oxygen, keeping the water clearer and the fish healthier. Work as fridge purifier (reduces fodd spoiling and illnesss) – Ozone destroys food spoiling bacteria and mircroorganisms and organic chemicals, maintaining the freshness of meat and vegetables. †¢ Hot tub, spa and bath water – Ozone is far cheaper than chlorine at destroying bacteria and microorganisms without any adverse effect on sensitive skin †¢ Air purifier – Ozone destroy impuriti es in the air such as bacteria, molds, smoke etc. It also reduces dust and other particles because of the negative ions produced as a by product.

Friday, August 16, 2019

A Marxist Analysis of the Accra Mall

3rd December, 2012. Marxist analysis of the Accra Mall Marxist describes the power struggle between different social classes in society. Marxism is further explained by certain concepts, such as ideology and hegemony, base and superstructure and reification. Ideology is a set of ideas or viewpoints that one social class has of another which influences the way they behave towards each other while hegemony refers to the way people act based on the ideas or ideologies that they hold and act out regarding other classes.Base and superstructure refers to the system whereby the working class, which represents the majority of the people, is ruled by the few, the owners of the sources of production. Marxism in essence can be seen in all walks of life and in various parts of our society. The Accra mall in Greater Accra is one such place. The Accra Mall is more than just an avenue to shop. The Accra Mall is the place to see and be seen. It is strategically located at the very tip of the Spintex Road, at the Tetteh Quashie Roundabout, in close proximity to a number of hotels, high end residential apartments and corporate buildings.In essence the mall caters to a certain class of people; the affluent in the Ghanaian society. It contains about twenty or so shops with mostly overpriced goods. There is a food court located right in the middle of the shopping mall with a playground for children. The mall’s general ambience, of money, expensive food, high end clothing and a large parking lot, usually overcrowded with flashy and expensive cars gives one a good idea of what to expect in the mall.The air of spending is further heightened by the presence of the numerous automated teller machines (ATM) placed at one part the mall. The neighborhood and the mall in general gives a clear cut distinction of who they serve and who serves them- it caters for the rich and wealthy that are served by the working class or the poor. The large parking lot mentioned earlier, constantly has a greater ratio of flashy cars to a very small number of not so nice cars. Without a doubt, it is evident that the mall is frequented by the upper classmen, or those who can afford to drive them.The price tags does not encourage the lower class to frequent the place because the products or items sold at the mall are above the financial means of a person for instance, the price of a bottle of soda at Rhapsody’s, one of the restaurants is ludicrously expensive and hence caters to the high class or the middle class that can spend extravagantly. On the other hand a restaurant like Pizza Inn prices the goods somewhat moderately to cater to all the classes. Another case is of two supermarkets, Game and Shoprite. It is common to see people coming out Game with few items.In contrast, Shoprite prices their goods that most people could at least buy a cookie from their bakery or a little toy for their children or a plate of nicely decorated and somewhat tasty meals. The people in the m all fall into two categories, as society dictates; the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. The proletariat is made up of the janitors, the shop attendants, security guards and basically people who are not likely to spend in the mall. The other group, mainly made up of the business men and women, doctors and lawyers are mainly the customers; the proletariat.The shop attendants, the janitors and security guards depend on the purchasing and patronized services of the customers, in this case the bourgeoisie, to spend at the mall, so that they can earn money. The bourgeoisie are catered to by the proletariat at the mall. They serve them at the mall and are the people who work â€Å"behind the scenes† to make things the way they are for the bourgeoisie to enjoy. The proletariats on the other hand are employed by the bourgeoisie and depend on them for their livelihood. At the Accra Mall, there is a general reaction by the shop owners and the other people, based on the way people look.P eople are profiled into either whether they are of high class or a low class, in other words, the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The society has a way of classifying people by the way they dress. If your clothes appear trendy or fashionable enough then you must be in the upper class. The proletariats on the other hand are looked down upon immediately because they are judged to be the lower class based on their dressing and are hence treated as potential shoplifters or people up to no good. Marxism permeates all areas of our society; healthcare, in education and in a number of other aspects of life. The Accra Mall is one such place.People of all sorts can be identified here, and there in lie the groups of the bourgeoisie and proletariat. There is a constant, somewhat passive struggle for power. While the bourgeoisie (the rich, upper class, wealthy customers) continue to revel in their spending and high end lifestyle, the proletariat (the janitors, the security guards and staff in g eneral) work long hours to try to attain a respectful position in life, to become like the bourgeoisie. As long as the society continues to go on in this manner, Marxist theory of power struggle will continue to be relevant in explaining such conflict.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

What Dramatic Devices Were Used in the Inspector Calls

A little help with Analyse of The Inspector Calls by J. B Priestly. Detailed explanations of Dramatic devises used, backing quotes in an essay format. Within the play An Inspector Calls J. B Priestly uses numerous dramatic devises to get across his message of moral, class and political influence. In this essay I am going to explore and illustrate some key and subtle points in act one and further, of these themes of which Priestly works towards to influence the audience and finds himself involved in. The first hints of his central themes are imposed when J. B describes the scene and setting of the first act.An immediate perception is given off towards the audience of ‘heavily comfortable house. ’ With this being a place of constant setting, a reflection of real time and naturalism is released. The lighting prescribed for the scene also creates the mood of the play. Priestly states within his stage directions the lighting should be ‘pink and intimate’ prior to the inspector arrives a shaded glow of rose tint then should grow ‘brighter and harder’. In context and example of these stage directions are as pursued. ‘The dining room of a fairly large suburban house, belonging to a prosperous manufacturer.It has good solid furniture of the period. At the moment they have all had a good dinner, are celebrating a special occasion, and are pleased with themselves. ’ Subtly is added to the atmosphere presented to the audience when the notion of not all is as it seems is suggested. Initially the ambience obtained appears slightly forced. This is exemplified trough the mannerism of Eric’s nervousness, Shelia’s unknowing curiosity of Gerald’s whereabouts the previous summer and the reasons behind Gerald’s parents, Lord and Lady Croft, for not attending the engagement dinner.The spectators of the play may be stimulated due to the use of this dramatic devise, of the unknowing, indefinite being impli ed on what should be a comfortable scene, this works because of natural human curiosity searching for something deeper amongst the characters and setting. Another devise used to enhance the play writer’s dramatic concepts is the use of dramatic irony and tone. These are used when the knowledge of the audience exceeds those of the characters within the play. This technique of dramatic irony is in attendance when Mr Birling makes self-assured conjectures about the coming war and the ship Titanic being unsinkable.For example J. B Priestley uses techniques to expose Birling’s naivety and generation gap, for example Birling’s speech, ‘Why a friend of mine went over this new liner last week – the Titanic – she sails next week – forty six thousand eight hundred tons – New York in five days – and every luxury – and unsinkable, absolutely unsinkable. That’s what you have got to keep your eye on, facts like that, prog ress like that –and not a few German officers talking nonsense and a few scaremongers here making a fuss about nothing. Now you three young people just listen to this – and remember what I am telling you now.In twenty or thirty years’ time – let’s say in 1940 – you may be giving a little party like this – your son or daughter may be getting engaged – and I tell, by that time you’ll be living in a world that’ll have forgotten all these Capital versus Labour agitations and all these silly little war scares. There’ll be peace and prosperity and rapid progress everywhere – accept of course in Russia, which will always be behindhand naturally. ’ This tactic makes the spectators of the play feel involved with the play due to their knowledgeable, advantaged background.Tension is also secured throughout the play as each character holds significant connection with the suicide victim, Eva Smith, who rep resents the universal populace. By making Eva a representation rather than a real character the moral of the play is taken more literally. The contribution from each character also produces a deeper and more involved structure towards the play’s plot. The Inspector, the true voice/mouth piece of Priestly adds a dramatic tone. The character is directed with the use of pace and tension and presents each idea and enquiry without conjunction, by observing and exposing each statement from an individual’s account.This method slowly throws light on the core of Eva’s life and the real effect of classes on a wider population. Another devise used by the inspector is an aura of menacing, ominous gloom, with is brought on with the added value of his ability to manipulate and influence the rest of the people in conjunction with his line of enquiries, due to his dominance. This is presented at the end of Act one and further on during the play and an example of this is ‘ That’s what I asked myself tonight when I was looking at that dead girl.And then I said to myself â€Å"Well, we’ll try to understand why it had to happen? † And that’s why I’m here, and that’s why I’m not going until I know all that happened. Eva Smith lost her job with Birling and Company because the strike failed and they were determined not to have another one. At least she found another job- under what name I don’t know- in a big shop, and had to leave there because you were annoyed with yourself and passed the annoyance on to her. Now she had to try something else. So first she changed her name to Daisy Renton-‘The final devises of great importance are tension and timing. Within the performance copious alterations in tone are witnesses. A key example of this is the attitude and confidence of Mr Birling showing amendment and supplanted actions, initially with self-justification endeavouring to elucidate his function in the bereavement of Eva/ (the citizens of the world in the class struggle). ‘, and as it happened more than eighteen months ago- nearly two years ago- obviously it has nothing whatever to do with the wretched girl’s suicide. Anxiety is then portrayed by Mr Birling ‘Oh well-put like that, there’s something in what you say. Still, I can’t accept and responsibility. If we were all responsible for everything that happened to everybody we’d had anything to do with, it would be very awkward, wouldn’t it? ’ Timing which features is a critical decisive; with stage directions of speech, movement exits, entrances and sounds. A strategic illustration of this is the arrival of the Inspector instantaneously, subsequent to Mr Birling notifying Gerald about his imminent knighthood and regards of how ‘a man has to look after himself and his own. In conclusion many devises are used throughout act one, some overlapping and although some ar e subtle, each technique holds great presence and importance within the play to convey J. B Priestley’s ideology of class struggle. Citizenship values are portrayed and the dependence each person shares to one another come through. This is voiced through the inspector as Priestley’s own mouth piece and with Eva as example of consequence from such actions.